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Should Governments Support Citizens Study Abroad

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SHOULD GOVERNMENTS SUPPORT CITIZENS STUDY ABROAD Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Introduction Education has increasingly become the key to virtually everything that pertains to success in the current global environment. Whereas there can be the national boundaries where a country enjoys its sovereignty, the bigger picture presents a view of constant interaction with the outside world. Indeed, the things happening outside these boundaries might affect everything within it, to varying extents. The increased need for education abroad has been brought about by the realization that the momentum of globalization and its impacts are relentless and permanent. Students are now getting more and more options when it comes to funding for their studies abroad. The increased role of governments in funding the studies of their citizens abroad has been a welcome gesture the world over. It has virtually helped to stem the gap between access and cost of such studies. Governments should support the education of their citizens abroad since the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Discussion By the government supporting studies of its citizens abroad, it doesn’t necessarily have to be through funding. Support from the government can come in various forms, from monetary to general. For example, it can be through waiving some charges or providing subsidized plane tickets. (a).Keep pace with globalization Governments need to keep on funding the overseas education for their citizens to stay abreast with globalization. It is an inescapable fact that globalization is here to stay. It is a wave, so relentless and permanent in its wake. The world has increasingly become a ‘global village' as the rate of information exchange has increased over a million times. No country can, therefore, sit on its laurels, assuming or resisting the fact that change is inevitable. There can be no worse feeling than that of a lost opportunity, intentionally done. Every nation wants to be in the same basket as the others around them when it comes to information, trends, and efficiency (Rumbley, 2014). Governments, therefore, fund the studies of their citizens abroad, since they believe that these citizens will, in turn, help keep pace with globalization. (b).To advance the economy The essence of education has always been to help solve problems in the society. When this is narrowed down, however, there is the underlying belief that education should result in increased marketability in the job sector. When one acquires quality education, there is a higher chance of getting better-paying jobs. Looking at the supported students, they also face a higher prospect of employment in these nations they study in; which in most cases, are better off when it comes to salaries and such opportunities (Rumbley, 2014). There is, therefore, the hope that these citizens can be sending cash back home at regular intervals. The home country, in turn, benefits from the foreign income to a great extent, as it helps in the growth of its economy too. It is due to this reason that governments should indeed keep supporting the overseas education for their citizens. (c).improve a country’s capacity and potential for innovation. Perhaps the most important reason as to why governments fund the education of their citizens in foreign lands is skills acquisition. It is often assumed that there is much more sophistication in educational institutions outside a particular country than within it. Such sophistication is what these citizens are expected to acquire when funded to study there. Acquisition of technical skills is also vital since they help a lot when it comes to management of problems within a nation (Thomas, 2015). Countries usually aim at improving their expertise in especially technical fields, such as engineering, medicine, science as well as technology. This is because there is a general belief that there will be increased capacity building for the future development. Technological advancement is the future of the world and in turn, any given nation. For a country to advance technologically, ...
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