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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Government and the Market

Essay Instructions:

Here is the detailed description of the assignment:
students will post to Blackboard questions on the Gupta Chapter for the week. Students will write three questions raised by the readings. The posts should include questions of clarity, of clarification, and context. Students will also post questions of concern/disagreement about the content of the chapter. These questions will assist the students in preparing for the intense period of the lectures. They will also guide the professor in focusing the lecture on the issues of particular concern to the students.
P.S. I will upload the reading and will also upload a example answer

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work Class Discussion
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Social Work Class Discussion
In Gupta’s chapter three, “Government and the Market,” the author says that “if the market departs from this point, the push and pull of demand and supply will bring it back to equilibrium” (Gupta, 2011, p. 48). One of the questions that one might ask is, why does the government interfere with the prices of goods and services? In particular, the government should not alter the prices of commodities in the marketplace. Instead, the “true” forces of supply and demand should be left to determine the best price. For instance, laborers will get the wages they deserve, and landlords will receive appropriate rent.
Gupta depicts that stimulating the market can only be achieved when the government infuses, legalizes, deregulates, or privatizes money (Gupta, 2011, p. 68). At this juncture, a person can ask is, does the Central Bank play its responsibilities well to control the money supply? In reality, financial institutions function when individuals trust them by depositing their money. ...
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