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Global Management

Essay Instructions:

Present your interpretation of the analogy that the quality of life of a democracy is better than a dictatorship. Relate how each relates to organizations. What strategies would you implement to create a democratic organization? Please base your information on studies by Gary Hamel Future of Management and Jan Carlzon and other sources.

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Global Management
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Global Management
Since its inception in the eighteenth century, a few countries have partially embraced the democracy. The influence on organizations in such countries has been significant. As such, the management has evolved, and there has been a paradigm shift, which has seen to the wider global acceptance of democracy in multinational corporations (Hamel, 2007). From an organizational point of view, democracy is a concept; this embodies business ideas, outlining the appropriate form of organizing a business organization by ensuring proper treatment of employees (Carlzon, 1987).
In organizations owners or the management, exploit employees for personal benefits. Although the effect of the exploitation may lack empirical documentation, leadership is almost the same no matter the context (Carlzon, 1987). In line with this, various leaders in countries, motivated by selfish interests, have exploited the state coercion and violence to realize personal interests. Due to the adverse outcomes of dictatorial leadership in countries, modern organizations must embrace democracy as the management style (Hamel, 2007).
Democracy, Dictatorship and Quality of Life
A democracy represents a system of rights, which are important in governance. On the other hand, a dictatorship does not allow for such a form of governance. In addition, employees or people under a democracy can enjoy a social status, which transcends any individual. In terms of social status, no employee should obey another employee, and the same employee should not depend on the other employee. As such, sovereignty reigns in democracy, unlike a dictatorship, which induces a negative social status. When employees enjoy inclusiveness in matters that affect their lives in an organization, they experience an improved quality of life. Far from a democracy, a dictatorship does not allow for such standards of democracy. Failure of providing fundamental rights inhibits personal freedom, and personal development, which in turn lowers the quality of life (Marcau, & Ciorei, 2013).
Although democracy was not practiced in the past, democratic theorists, as old as Pericles advocated the adoption of democracy linking it to improved quality of life. Borrowing from the democratic theory, evidence reports that, democracy improves the quality of life significantly. It is so because employees can participate in organizational policy making, or they can pursue private goals without any worry. While a democracy welcomes the voice of the employees in matters of national or social importance, a dictatorship blocks or disregards the views of people. Therefore, attempts to voice concerns through go slows, could qualify as a crime, and some organizations could terminate their employment. Employees become afraid, and cannot report socially irresponsible corporations, cannot advocate basic health care benefits, which are some of the aspects that improve the quality of life (Carothers, 2002).
When dictatorship prevails, organizations conduct activities aimed at meeting the needs of a few people in the copany, while disregarding employees. The elites who enjoy the freedoms fail to produce equal opportunities for other people. Similarly, the elites create unfriendly institutions that treat employees unfairly, through paying low wages, which lower or undermine the quality of life. Dictatorship undermines the growth and development of both an organization and its employees, whereas a democracy allows for growth and development of the organization. In the same context, democracies appreciate the views of employees, either individually or through interest groups, and such, shows that employees are the most powerful.
Democracy and Dictatorship in Organizations
Democratic countries influence the development of a democratic management style in business organizations. While this notion lacks empirical tests, from such a perspective, the probability of being true is very high. The same applies in countries with dictatorial styles of governance. Just like the way democracy has evolved over time, Hamel, in his book The Future of Management, reports that, management has evolved, rather slowly. It is not entirely true that, organizations have completely integrated the concepts of democracy in their management, but there has been progress to align an organization to the concepts. The author further reports that, hierarchies have gotten flatter than the past, which shows some progress, but obedience is mandatory to the executives of the organization (Hamel, 2007).
Studies suggest that, a dictatorial approach of management will often result to the realization of organization's profitability. This...
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