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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:

There are 2 questions, you need to answer, I’ll give you the situation just elaborate and answer the questions.

For question 1 the situation was, I work at the hotel as a front desk. There was a guest, she was very old and came to check inn. Her kids were suppose to be there but they were running late. It was a busy day. There were too many guests to attend, but made all the other guests wait a little and helped the old lady to her room, took her luggage and escorted her into her room.

For question 2 the situation was, There was flood last year in our town. Many people had to evacuate their house, Even I had too. But luckily since I work at the hotel. I moved to the hotel. There was this one family they moved to our hotel as well. But after one week they came down and were sharing their pain with me about how it’ll take another week for their house to at least be live able but they had no money. They were going to very tough times. So I talked to my manager and convinced the manager as a courtesy to let them stay for a week more for free. Since I knew how they were feeling being inthe same situation. They were so happy and grateful, when they left they invited me to their house for dinner. And told me they had no words to thank me enough.

1) Describe a time when you demonstrated genuine care and concern for others?

· Why did you do that?

· What motivated you to demonstrate that?

· How did the other person feel?

· How do you know they felt that way?

· How did you feel after the encounter?

2) Describe a time when you have put yourself in the place of someone else to better understand the feeling of the other person.

· What was the situation?

· What was it about that situation that made you want to understand their feelings?

· What did you learn from this encounter?

· How did the other person feel?

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Situation 1
Genuine care and concern for others is a virtue that is good for humanity and fosters ethical and moral living. Personally, there are times I have shown genuine care and concern. One such case is when I helped an old lady check into the hotel, carried her luggage into the room, and escorted her. His children were supposed to be there, but they were running late. I was motivated to do this because I saw this old lady as my mother, and though clients should be treated equally, I treated her exceptionally. I am not sure if the old lady felt thankful or not because she never said thank you or gave me a souvenir to demonstrate the same. ...
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