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Generation Dialogue

Essay Instructions:
The changing demographic profile of the Canadian population has an effect on educational facilities, pensions, employment opportunities and the healthcare system. Research one of the above, and use your research to write a fictional dialogue between a sterotypical baby boomer and a stereotypical member of generation X or the millenial generation. Through your dialogue, be sure to demonstrate that you have considered the psychological, cultural and sociological factors that would shape the understanding and framing of the issue from different viewpoints. Also be sure to demonstrate that you understand the issue you chose, and how the changes affect each generation. Reflection: Along with your dialogue, include a short written reflection about what interested or surprised you about studying demographics.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Generation Dialogue Student`s Name: Professor`s Name: Course Name: Due Date: Abstract The changing demographic profile of the Canadian population has an effect on educational facilities, pensions, employment opportunities and the healthcare system. Current trends in the Canadian population show that the millennial generation is spoiling things in the workplace. Baby boomers feel that the millennial generation is not ready to work (Mooney, 2011). This paper is a fictional dialogue between a stereotypical baby boomer and a stereotypical member of the millennial generation. The conversation is between a father, 63 and his son, 32. The father is portrayed as being optimistic, bringing fresh perspective, team oriented, uncomfortable with conflict and sensitive to feedback. His son is seen as technological savvy, confident, sociable, flexible and possessing a heroic spirit. The dialogue will reveal more in the current demographic trends with regard to employment opportunities. Key Words: Generation, Workplace, Social Media, Trends Reflection: Studying Demographics Demographics is interesting because it allows me to holistically assess the trends in a particular population. The most interesting part is the statistics that show that the younger generation prefers social media interaction to work. This has led to domination by the old people in the workplace, as will be seen in the following dialogue. Generation Dialogue Father: In the next two years, I will retire from formal employment. What do you think you willbe doing? Son: It is time for our generation to take over; I guess you are tired already. Father: Work has been the greatest moment of my life. I really do not know how life withoutformal employment will be. Son: You have enough experience. You may think of growing your own law firm. You will beworking from your own office. Father: How will I manage to market the firm? Son: It is now easier than before. Open a social media account in the business name. Open awebsite with the business details. Advertise your services. It is that easy. Father: Now that you look like an information savvy, what have you done with the social media? Son: I have created a network and built relationships. I simply have fun. Father: Why haven`t you turned fun into money? Son: (Laughing) I await opportunities. I can see an opportunity in your retirement. Father: Why haven`t you created opportunities? All you do is to wait. During our time … Son: Please stop it. Not your time any more. This is our time. Father: That is the reason why you have been complaining all day. At your age, with the entireinfrastructure, why haven`t created a single opportunity? With such an attitude, who willhire you? My generation has dominated the workplace. Son: The trend is worrying. ...
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