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What Genetic Modification of Animals Accomplishes?

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Gene Technology
Due Week 8 and worth 120 points
Gene technology carries with it social and ethical implications—many of which engender personal views and discussion.
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: 
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements:
Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology.
Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section, you will give your opinion. 
Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be as objective as possible, to look at all sides of the issues. In this section, your goals are to give a personal opinion about the technology and provide a justification of that opinion. 
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment, in addition to the course text. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Examine DNA structure, and function, gene expression, and control.
Discuss the various applications of genomics and biotechnology.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in biology.
Write clearly and concisely about biology using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Genetic Modification of Animals
Course Title:
Professor’s Name:
Genetic Modification of Animals
Describe The Technology
Genetic modification of animals is a revolutionary technology that promises to change the landscape of agriculture and healthcare. The last two decades saw an increase in the commercialization of products derived from microbial and plant biotechnology. Today, there is a growing interest among researchers to produce animals and animal products using modern genetic, reproductive and breeding technologies. The technology of genetically engineering animals allows new genes to be introduced to organisms of different species (Lievens, Petrillo, Querci, & Patak, 2015). While this technology is yet to be introduced in the market and in farms, it is anticipated that farmers and the public will embrace transgenic animals in the near future.
What Genetic Modification of Animals Accomplishes?
The technology of genetically modifying animals, seeks to accomplish three main objectives. With the advancements in genetic technologies, improved animals will be used for food, as pets, and as sources of biopharmaceuticals (Lievens et al., 2015). Genetic engineering in farm animals used for human consumption is done to improve their health, growth rate, resistance to diseases, meat, milk, and wool production. Animals can also be engineered to enhance their aesthetic qualities and act as pets (Ormandy, Dale, & Griffin, 2011). Lastly, this technology aims at molecular farming, where transgenic animals would be used to produce biopharmaceuticals. This technique is known as pharming. Unlike cell cultures, animals have been identified as better bioreactors because of their precise metabolic processes and are cheaper compared to the former. In this category, xenoplants and mammalian milk can be used in medical applications to manage human disorders.
The Scientific Principles That Make This Technology Possible
Genetic engineering uses modern molecular biology and biotechnological tools to precisely introduce or modify certain traits in animals. In this practice, novel genetic materials can be introduced or existing genes can be deleted so that modified ones can be added. Genes usually contain inheritable chemical components that define the traits of an organism. Therefore, the movement of these genes from species to another species transfers the traits to the latter species (Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d). The latter species becomes transformed.
Describe How Exactly the Technology Works
Genetic engineering is not synonymous to cloning. In cloning, exact copies of genetic materials are produced and transfer between organisms of the same species. However, in genetic engineering, unique gene copies are produced and these can be transferred to organisms belonging to different species (U.S Food and Drug Administration (2015). The technology works with the aid of tools known as restriction enzymes and ligases. Restriction enzyme will first cut the DNA strand from the donor organism. Ligases also act to join the cut DNA strand to the recipient organism. This results in the new organism having the genetic material of the donor organism. The new organism will therefore express the traits of the donor organism. For instance, the new organism will now have the capability to produce useful substances that the donor organism used to produce or have a novel function. When this happens, the new organism is said to be genetically modified.
Social and Ethical Implications
In addition to the possible hazards caused to the environment and to the human health, GM causes other welfare costs to the animals. These are the main concerns since the animals are effected directly, unlike the humans and the environment which receive indirect implications. According to Wells et al (2006), the modification of the GA mouse compromised its welfare....
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