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Gender Autobiography Assignment. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. (a) Gender assignment at birth, why?

    (b) How my parents reacted to my gender

    (c) Expectations based on my gender

2. (a) Early gender socialization 

    (b) First time I knew I was a girl

3. (a)Things you must do because of your gender/What you are required to do.

    (b) What parts of your gender identity do you like/dislike?

    (c)Things that I can not do because of my gender

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender autobiography
The path to gender development begins at conception. Therefore, gender realization is not a one-time event but a process. The process begins immediately after birth and is influenced by people who interact with the newborn baby. Young children through their toys and parents interactions already have a clue, but must incorporate it into their gender identities. It involves what is expressed; how we look, how we act, and how we feel. As a result, this essay seeks to examine my gender autobiography.
1. (a) Gender assignment at birth, why?
Immediately after my birth, I was assigned female with my aunt who was the first person to hold me. She took a look between my legs before her pronunciation. However, she later claimed that she knew I would be a girl because my mother frequently slept on her right during her shut-eye hours. She believed this sleeping style represented the conception of a girl.
(b) How my parents reacted to my gender
My mother was so happy that even cried because her heart was set on having a girl and genetics had agreed with her. Previously, she had taken a lot of yogurts as a tactic of changing her pH balance so that she could conceive a girl. She did not even attend the ultrasound examination because she was very convinced she would get a girl. True to her belief, it was me, coming out of her womb. On the other hand, my dad was equally over the moon as there was a little princess in the house.
(c) Expectations based on my gender
Considering I was the only female child in the family, expectations were high. Strangely, father was already thinking of how I would join the military through the military academy. However, I understood him because all my brothers were not interested in a military career. On the other hand, mother feared overseas deployment of the military thus she wished I could study in a local university and take care of them when they get old. This was because my elder brothers had made it clear they wished to settle in other states. Consequently, my brothers were anxiously waiting for me to grow up and relieve them from girlish chores they used to attend to.
2. (a) Early gender socialization
My mom and Joseph’s mother; was a neighbor next door, used to put us together during their women talk. As such, we shared gender-neutral toys, ate some food, and did everything together. In fact, due to cold weather, I was in trousers just like Joseph. Therefore, nothing unique caught my eyes. More so, considering my two older brothers were in schools for the majority of the time, there was nothing to influence me.
Nevertheless, the situation changed with time as I developed. Suddenly, the mother provided me with gender-differentiated toys such as dolls and cooking equipment which I used to play with. Strangely, all these toys were common in color; mostly pi...
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