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Function of Crime: Whether Crime is Functional for Society

Essay Instructions:

Discussion - Week 1
The Function of Crime
Could murder, robbery or identity theft be beneficial for society? It seems counterintuitive to think that any crime might be functional for society but that is what some scholars suggest. For example, French sociologist, Emile Durkheim argues that all societies need crime in order to establish moral boundaries (Jones, 1986). Durkheim contends that crime supports society's social structure by pitting those that do not violate the law against those that do violate the law. Crime also allows for social change because it moves society forward in its evolution.
Conversely, the late U.S. Senator and sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan (2001) argued that crime actually hinders societal evolution and forces the public to tolerate harmful behaviors. According to Moynihan, "We [the public] are getting used to a lot of behavior that is not good for us" (p. 30). As a result, public tolerance of crime may cause a redefinition of criminal activity. For this Discussion, consider whether you think crime is functional for society.
With these thoughts in mind:
an explanation of whether crime is functional for society or not, and explain why. Be specific and use examples to support your explanation.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Function of Crime
The Function of Crime
Crime is an act that provokes conflict within the society. Wrongdoings take various forms and entail several concepts and competing theories. Committing a crime means going astray from the accepted path. Crime is necessary to understand the function of society. Even though crime has a downside that may cause dissent in the society, it has a practical inevitable side that has positive effects on the community. It is a fundamental part of all healthy societies. A crime can only be considered dysfunctional when it abnormally high or low. Crime is a normal and inescapable phenomenon that plays a vital part in facilitating social progress. Eradication of the offence is impossible because people are different and the differences will always constitute a form of nonconformity.
A certain amount of crime is necessary for any community. It serves as a framework for individuals to differentiate between acceptable behaviours and unacceptable behaviour (Alexander and Moore, 2007). It is functional for crime to inform the public on the boundaries of their society. Every time a person is convicted in a court of a crime, the publicity of the case in the media publicly restates the borders of the society. Moreover, in societies that still use public punishments, for example mob beating for the public to watch. The act serves as a warning towards the people to observe rules and regulations. Crime is a general feature of all societies since it is a vital social function (Moynihan, 1993). By punishing lawbreakers, the moral limits of a community are clearly marked out, and they are an attachment to the people. The aim of punishment is to strengthen social solidarity by reinstating moral commitment among the people.
Crime is an important part of a society since it brings about social change. A society with h...
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