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Cultural studies from a political philosophy view

Essay Instructions:
Hello, I\\\'m studying my fourth year of philosophy. I\\\'d need an essay focused on cultural studies (globalization, identity, etc.) from a political philosophy view, since I must deliver it to my political philosophy class. I also would need on it some bibliographical sources, but not so underground, I prefer well known sources. From them, \\\"I\\\" should write the essay. I choose the 4 single spaced pages option (approx. 2200 words). 64,94ˆ (don't know why when I click to pay it says only 1000 words...
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Date: June 17, 2011
Cultural studies from a political philosophy view
Culture is known to be one of the basic theoretical terms in most social sciences. It entails learning characteristics of the human society. However, culture has never excused itself from politics as long as there is an interaction of humans, but it has to be part and parcel of it. It is neither fully autonomous nor reducible but interwoven with various factors of the society. Cultural studies from the political philosophy can influence political and the social outcome especially when it comes to democracy, governance or the economic performance. One has to note that in today’s world, most people’s identity is shaped by more than one culture.
When we look at globalization, we can easily realize its impact in the cultural sphere. It is known to be the greatest contributor towards to destruction of cultural identities, victims of the accelerating encroachment of a homogenized, westernized and consumer culture. as a result, globalization has led to a new society characterized by cultural diversity. , as
When we look at the culture and politics, one needs to understand what politics is all about so as to know how it influences the human behavior. Politics from a wide perspective refers to those methods which the use of power is involved so as to influence the behavior of an individual and their participation in the civic affairs. with this deeper understanding, one is able to analyze some key elements of the political world which are conflict, movements, leadership, institutions and many more which are meant to bring some effect of effected by the culture itself through things such as identity, rhetoric, ideology, memory, decision-making and of course the emotions. The act of bridging disciplinary and methodological divides, the series rigorously explores the cultural dynamics of politics in local, national and the global perspectives. Nevertheless, that is why one can note that global politics are being reconfigured along the cultural lines and these trends will continue to evolve for some years to come. For it to achieve its goals, then it has to come up with new dimensions, a world wide agreement to install controls, checks and inspections while they allow the flow of trade to be free. For instance, when we talk about politics, one has to know that politicians are the most influential people when it comes to appealing to people for help or for protection and they always identify with cultures which are great that are meant to transcend the nation’s state boundaries.
That is why, the contemporary processes of globalization have created history in such a way that both the government and the society needs to be part and parcel of bringing out an unclear distinction between international and domestic, external and internal affairs. In that context, that is why globalization is a tool of respects due to its powerful transformative force which is responsible in the control of the societies, economies, institutions of governance and the general world.
Despite all that, socio-politics can trigger a challenge to the culture by undermining other culture or even going to some extend of discriminating themselves from the other cultures. This trend has been a fear in the whole world of late since such kind of human behavior can lead to dispossession and have a powerful consequence. This kind of behavior can disenfranchise, distort and even go to some extend of destroying the fabric of the society. That is why in most societies, such political hostility can impact the cultural significance of such society. Since this is the trend nowadays, people are supposed to keep their heritage since heritage is normally based on human needs such as living in a familiar environment, offering cherished local pride as they allow and adapt to changes that are meant to improve and enhance the society.
It has been assumed that, globalization has the power of destroying identity. This is based on the fact that, before globalization there existed communities that were independent, different and well-defined, robust, as well as culturally sustaining connections among geographical places along with cultural experiences. such connections were between one, and ones community. This form of identity was something that people simply considered as being undisturbed extensional possession. Identities like language were not just descriptions of cultural belongings. They used to be collective treasure of all local communities. However, it was something that needed protection along with preservation. However, just like the political power, globalization has ended up sweeping the diverse cultures of the world, destroying stable localities, displacing people; but bringing market driven kind of cultural experiences.
On the other hand, there have been political philosophers who have argued that, the world is just being shaped by the conflicting trends of globalization and identity. However, this power of globalization is being opposed by the widespread surge of mighty expressions of collective identity that are challenging the globalization. This power is acting on behalf of cultural singularity the people’s control over their own lives along with the environment. Apart from being the fragile flower that is being trampled by the power of globalization, identity has presented itself as the power of local culture that powerfully politically reactionary kind of resistance to the centrifugal forces of American capitalist globalization.
This form of vigorous of the power of identity, is one to which everyone starting a political parties or any other form of social movement basses on, in terms of religion, ethnicity or nationality. As an effect, the process of reorganizing reasonable cultural sources of resistance to the globalization power, seem to be in the same way as getting power in perspective. Due to this, the effects of globalization become plausible, as it acts as interplay of “institutional-technological impetus towards the so-called ‘globality’ with counterpoised ‘localization forces’”, (Clifford, 54). The forces that acts towards ‘globality’ position, combines capitalism along with speedy media and communication technologies development or innovations.
However, it has to be noted that, just like political oppositions, this drive has been for many years opposed by lots of processes along with practices that expresses different movements that have been focused on, not forgetting previously organized cultural identity. this explains considerable cultural efforts that are being exercised by sovereign states in bringing together their citizens in another cultural political orders that are of local identification.
This idea implies that cultural identity has not been an easy prey of globalization. This is based on the fact that, cultural identity has not been a fragile commer...
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