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Fossil Hominins: New Fossils of Australopithecus sediba

Essay Instructions:

Fossil Hominins (100 points)

Locate and read a recently published (within past ~30 years) journal or magazine article, announcing a new discovery about a group of fossil Hominins, which are the early humans including genera Homo, Australopithecus, Ardipithecus, and more. It can be a pop-science magazine article (e.g., National Geographic) or a scholarly journal article.

Write a cohesive essay (1000 words; about 3 pages) addressing the following points:
• Who wrote this article, what is its title, and where (i.e.: what journal/magazine) and when was it published? Is the author a scientist involved in the study, or a journalist reporting on science? (If there are multiple authors, just focus on the first author
• Write a summary of the discovery being presented.
• Does this article contribute to our understanding of human origins? If so, how?
• Remember the definition of science. Does the study seem to have followed the scientific method? Does it qualify as a science or a pseudoscience? Why?
• What else do we need to know? What should be the next steps for these researchers’ scientific investigation?
• In your opinion, what is the most important point made in this article? Why is it so important?

This is a discussion of a peer-reviewed scientific article or a pop science article (e.g., National Geographic-style). It has to be a full-length article, not a short online news article, website, or encyclopedia page. Include a complete reference on a Works Cited page, in the citation style appropriate for your major.

You don’t need in-text citations for this one, since the author and title are explicitly incorporated into your paper. An exception is if you choose to incorporate multiple sources.

No plagiarism. Don’t copy sentences directly from a source. Even a sentence that is slightly modified is considered plagiarized. Always write your own sentences. Don’t quote the article. Quotes won’t count toward the word count target.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fossil Hominins
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Article Metadata
This journal article is ‘New fossils of Australopithecus Sediba reveal a nearly complete lower back.’ It was published by eLife journal in November 2021. It is authored by several researchers affiliated with various research institutions around the world. It was reviewed by Min Zhu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. The journal lists 17 authors affiliated with 18 research institutions. The first author, Scott A. Williams, is affiliated with the Center for the Study of Human Origins, Department of Anthropology, New York University, New York, United States, Centre for the Exploration of the Deep Human Journey, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States. All the other authors have similar affiliations. Concisely, all the authors are researchers with reputable anthropological research experience and are affiliated with leading institutions in the subject area.
Article Summary
The article discusses a newly discovered lumbar vertebrae that contribute to more knowledge of the bipedalism and arboreal abilities of the Malapa Hominin (MH2). It gives insight into the posture and locomotion of the Australopithecus Sediba. The newly discovered lumbar vertebrae show that the MH2 possesses a lower back consistent with bipedalism. The article describes the evidence the vertebrae have that shows that this bone has the features of bipedal mammal, i.e., wider intervertebral articular facets. The MH2 was an intermediate in shape between modern humans and great apes. The researchers concluded that A. Sediba used its lower back for bipedal and arboreal position behaviors as suggested by existing literature regarding the evolution to bipedalism from arboreal positions.
How this article contributes to our understanding of human origins
This article contributes greatly to the understanding of human origins. It helps bridge the gap between the apes and humans, showing the switch between arboreal behavior to bipedalism. The width of the lumbar vertebrae coupled with the age of the fossil gives a glimpse into when this switch happened and other related information about the evolution of modern man. For example, the article describes the fossil to bear long cranially and ventrally oriented costal (traverse) processes which imply powerful trunk musculature. This leads to the conclusion that there was a period where the early man switched from arboreal behavior to bipedalism. How this research qualifies as a science

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