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Final Research Proposal Paper

Essay Instructions:
What is it? The research question and methods paper provides you the opportunity to expand upon the knowledge you gained in SOC 331 in forming a research question, performing empirical research using the library databases, and APA style. In addition, this paper allows you to develop knowledge around how best to employ an appropriate research method for your chosen topic. What is this assignment about? This paper is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to critically think through the creation of a research question and discussion of the methodology of your choosing. It will also provide you with the opportunity to continue to expand your knowledge of APA style. To successfully complete this assignment, include the following elements: A 6-8 page paper in APA style in which you create a research question based on your topic of interest, but also related to the disciplines within the behavioral sciences. In this paper, create a research question and explain what specific type of research method you would use if you were to conduct research to answer your research question. Do not conduct any research. Be sure to explain why you would choose this method and how it is better than some of the other methods for answering your question. In addition, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed research method, and use citations from the textbook. This will be the “heart” of this paper. Be sure to explain this section in detail and provide specific examples. Relate the strengths and weaknesses to your topic, and how, as a researcher, you would compensate for any weaknesses. Keep in mind that research methods are not right or wrong, just appropriate or not appropriate for answering the research question. Explain the ethical considerations to keep in mind if you were to conduct research on your chosen topic. How would you address confidentiality and anonymity (Hint: You can't have both)? How would you protect your subjects or participants? You will also be expected to briefly summarize and cite from a minimum of five (5) scholarly articles and the textbook. Minimum means that you have met this requirement for the assignment, which equates to a letter grade of C (satisfactory) for this rubric category. You may use other high quality non-scholarly sources. You may use any resources in this Canvas site. A good paper would “weave in" specific examples from all of your sources into the text of your paper. Be sure to connect the scholarly articles to what you have to say about your chosen research method. How will learning to write a research methods paper help me in my future career? In much of your professional life, you will be asked by your supervisor, clients or funders: how is the program doing or what can/should we do differently? While they may be interested in what you think, they will very interested in what you know, especially if you can back up your opinion with facts, literature based theory, statistics, and/or logical reasoning. Anyone can have opinions, but those that really matter are ones that are well-thought out, backed up by existing literature, and developed through the deployment of rigorous research. Being able to do research into a problem or evaluate an existing program will distinguish you from those who cannot. How do I write a good Research Proposal paper? The best way to approach this assignment is to first create your research question and then concentrate on finding your sources so that you can see how others are researching your topic and the ethical considerations surrounding it. Next, spend the bulk of your time discussing how you would conduct the research. A good place to start is to consider your methodology…will you employ a Quantitative or Qualitative Methodology? Then, think about data collection methods…i.e.: interviews, surveys, or observations. Finish up by continuing to add details about your methods. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. For example, if everyone who does research on your topic is using case study methodology, that is a huge clue that you should probably be using this methodology for your paper. If you have any questions or need some guidance, please contact your instructor. Rubric SOC 340 Research Proposal Paper SOC 340 Research Proposal Paper Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the paper organized into an intro, body, and conclusion? 10 pts Proficient Smoothly written, easy to read, topic introduced, organization clearly evident 8.5 pts Competent Paper has Intro, body, conclusion although weaknesses in development may be present 7 pts Novice Disorganized, leaves the reader wondering what is being said 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe purpose, and possible Research Question, of this proposed research project is explained. 10 pts Proficient A focused, clear possible research question for this proposed study was provided 8.5 pts Competent A possible research question for this proposed study was included but may be vague, unclear, or not fit the intent of the study. 7 pts Novice Possible research question for this proposed study was not provided. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the topic sufficiently narrowed? 10 pts Proficient The topic was clearly narrowed down. 8.5 pts Competent The topic was narrowed down, even though it may still have been quite broad. 7 pts Novice The topic was too broad. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrengths and weaknesses of the research method 10 pts Proficient Strengths and weaknesses of this research method were discussed in detail with explicit discussion of each. 8.5 pts Competent Strengths and weaknesses of this research method were discussed although one or the other may have been less thoroughly presented. 7 pts Novice Limited or lack of discussion of either strengths or weaknesses. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical considerations 10 pts Proficient Ethical considerations regarding the use of this research method were explained in detail; alternatives were discussed. 8.5 pts Competent Ethical considerations regarding the use of this research method were explained in detail. 7 pts Novice Little or no mention of ethical considerations 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIncluding the scholarly articles 10 pts Proficient Specific examples from 6 or more scholarly articles were included, including citations and references in correct APA format. 8.5 pts Competent Reference was made to 5 scholarly articles including citations and references in APA format. 7 pts Novice Four or fewer scholarly articles were mentioned or may have been mentioned only most superficially; citations were incorrect or absent. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style and organization of the paper 10 pts Proficient Ideas are connected, important points make sense, citations are used, and facts and examples support the main ideas. Logical flow of ideas, transitions are used. 8.5 pts Competent Ideas are connected, important points make sense, citations are used, and facts and examples support the main ideas. 7 pts Novice Ideas are not connected, little or no supporting facts or use of material from the article, parts are confusing, and/or includes generalizations. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences to the textbook are included with citations. 10 pts Proficient Textbook references are made and citations are included. 8.5 pts Competent Textbook references are made but citations are not always included. 7 pts Novice Textbook references may or may not be made with no citations. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the paper free of MUGS errors? 10 pts Proficient No errors. 8.5 pts Competent Between 4-6 MUGS errors 7 pts Novice Eight (8) or more MUGS errors 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatted according to APA requirements. 10 pts Proficient Complete adherence to APA requirements with no errors. 8.5 pts Competent The paper adheres to APA with 1-3 errors. 7 pts Novice Four (4) or more APA errors 10 pts Total Points: 100 ********************************* This is my research question. What are some ways to prevent our older parents/family members from financial abuse"?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research Methodology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation What are some ways to prevent our older parents/family members from financial abuse"? Introduction Aging is among the most challenging social issues in present-day society bearing its impacts on the affected individuals. As people age, they lose part of their capabilities physically and cognitively. As such, the individuals become susceptible to multiple sources of harm. One of the most prevalent challenges that older parents and family members face in the wake of old age is susceptibility to financial exploitation and abuse. In light of this concerning reality, it becomes necessary to explore effective preventive measures against such exploitation. This research intends to investigate various strategies and interventions aimed at safeguarding older adults from financial abuse. The study will outline invaluable insights into how to protect aging relatives' financial well-being. By identifying and understanding these preventative measures, all the affected stakeholders can strive towards creating safer and more secure environments for their older loved ones. Research Question The primary research question for this study is: what are the most effective strategies for preventing financial abuse among older individuals in present-day society? To address the primary research question effectively, the study will also attempt the following auxiliary questions: 1 What are the key risk factors and warning signs associated with financial abuse among older adults, particularly within familial relationships? 2 What preventative measures and interventions currently exist to address financial abuse among older adults, and what evidence supports their effectiveness? 3 What are the perspectives and experiences of professionals in elder care, financial planning, law enforcement, and social work regarding the prevention of financial abuse among older adults? 4 Based on the findings, what actionable recommendations can be formulated for policymakers, practitioners, and caregivers to enhance prevention efforts and support older individuals in safeguarding their financial well-being? Methodology The research methodology chapter is vital in grounding the study on specific activities to address the research question. In the methodology chapter, emphasis will be put on strategies for data selection, collection, and analysis. The above components are grounded in a specific philosophy. The final component of the research methodology chapter will be ethical considerations. All the above components will be considered integral to showcasing the quality and integrity of the data collected. Research Philosophy This study adopts the pragmatic philosophical approach to guide its data processes. The pragmatic philosophy fosters problem-solving, relevance, and practicality of the findings, which are the principal requirements for this study (Poth & Shannon-Baker, 2022). Pragmatism recognizes that various research methodologies and theories can be effective in addressing certain research problems and aims. In the context of avoiding financial abuse among older parents and family members, a pragmatic research philosophy enables the use of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to get a thorough understanding of the phenomena and find effective preventative strategies. There are notable benefits and drawbacks of employing the pragmatic philosophy in this study. The first benefit is that the philosophy encompasses flexibility. The philosophy allows the researcher to explore different designs in completing the study (Schneider, 2022). Moreover, pragmatism acknowledges the significance of addressing the practical consequences of research findings and their potential applications in real-world settings. This research philosophy seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice by engaging stakeholders, including elder care, financial planning, and law enforcement experts, with the ultimate goal of developing actionable recommendations for protecting older adults from financial exploitation (Coffey, Williamson, & Gillies, 2024). The only drawbacks that come with pragmatism are that it can take longer to complete a research study using this philosophy. That is because of the different designs that it considers. Also, pragmatism can come with different data pieces that can be challenging to interpret. Research Design The research design for this study will be mixed methods. Mixed methods is a design that allows the researcher to incorporate both primary and secondary data in the findings. That is, a researcher employs mixed methods when he/she intends to showcase insights both from existing study findings or literature and from freshly collected data from primary sources (Schneider, 2022). With mixed methods, the researcher should steer a more detailed and complex exploration of the research question. Bearing ...
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