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Female Circumsision Essay

Essay Instructions:

Watch the videos and review the attached materials. Draft up Global Issues in Context: Female Circumcision Evidenced-based Essay. Essay should include a thesis statement where you take a position using an anthropological perspective. For example, thesis statement might start with something like, "When considering the facts about female circumcision as a universal human right, anthropologists need to evaluate the cultural context, gender issues, and the “harmful impact on women’s reproductive and sexual health.” (Feel free to use this thesis statement). The most important part of the essay are the three body paragraphs where you prove your argument. See the sample outline to help. Watch: http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/video/world/africa/100000001115488/the-fight-against-female-genital-cutting.html http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wnet/religionandethics/?p=9145


Paragraph 1: Introduction
Use an opening sentence (statistic, statement, question, etc.)
Describe your topic
List the three criterion for evaluating your topic using an anthropological perspective
Give your opinion. This is your thesis statement
Paragraph 2: Description of Criterion 1
Restate Criterion 1
Give your opinion on how your topic meets the criterion. Use strong adjectives
Provide supporting evidence to support your opinion.
Give a statement that defends against counterarguments.
Paragraph 3: Description of Criterion 2
Restate Criterion 1
Give your opinion on how your topic meets the criterion. Use strong adjectives
Provide supporting evidence to support your opinion.
Give a statement that defends against counterarguments.
Paragraph 4: Description of Criterion 3
Restate Criterion 1
Give your opinion on how your topic meets the criterion. Use strong adjectives
Provide supporting evidence to support your opinion.
Give a statement that defends against counterarguments.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Think of a metaphor or simile that helps the reader understand your opinion.
Restate what you learned or proven in your essaay
End with a great lasting thought based on your opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Global Issues in Context: Female Circumcision
According to UNICEF, there are more than 120 million girls who have undergone female circumfusion in 29 countries, across Africa and the Middle East (ChildInfo, 2013). Female circumcision is also known as Female genital mutilation / cutting (FGM/C), and the practice is prevalent in Djibouti, Egypt, Guinea and Somali where more than 90 % of girls and women between the ages of 15-49 have undergone the procedure. From an anthropological perspective, the issue of female circumcision as a universal human rights issue should take into account, the cultural context, gender issues and harmful impact of the practice on women’s reproductive and sexual health.
Cultural context
Even though, female circumcision has been decried as a violation of human rights, proponents of the practice state that it has cultural values and should not be abolished. This practice is mostly carried out in rural areas in communities who have long practiced female circumcision. According to Africa News Service (2008), there is evidence that female circumcision results to many girls dropping out of school and marrying early. Cultural bottlenecks and at times links with religious beliefs make it harder to eradicate the practice of female circumcision, where female members can be ostracized by the community for being uncircumcised (PBS, 2012).
At the same time, there is likely to be resistance to change from communities that practice FGM/C, because of traditions. Loomis (2011) points out that it is easier to do away with practice through incorporating more people who have already being affected by the practice like in the case of Senegal and Gambia where women are in the forefront to fight against the practice through efforts in a group known as Tolstan. To lay credence to the need to account for the cultural context of FGM, is that West Africa immigrants in France still carry out the practice, and this has become a battleground for activists against the practice (Irin Afica, 2008)., Even though, cultural traditions hold people together, communities ought to abandon those practices that are demeaning and harmful and focus more on beneficial traditions.
Gender issues
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms the need to uphold dignity and equality for all human beings. The issue of FGM/C is related to gender issues and dignity of women, as girls and women are at times excluded from the society if they have not undergone the procedure. The procedure is carried out through excision of the prepuce, clitoris amputation and at times the labia surfaces (WHO). The practice is a violation of girls and women rights, who are then vulnerable to gender based violence. The practice is also related to the degradation and dignity of women, as the practice is a form of discrimination against girls and women reflecting inequalities in the status of girls and women (Niles, 2010 a). The practice violates the rights of women who may then have complications in childbirth and diminished sexualit...
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