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Family History based on Substance Abuse Disorder

Essay Instructions:

This paper is from part one that you did for me and I have added the genogram and other information of what it should be dates of marriage, divorces, birth and death My mother was a minster daughter therefor we stayed in church all the time and that was good. On part 2 there are A-h that must be answered according to the engram about my family in a counselor eyes.Please study the genogram and the summary but do not repeat information according to the instruction for part 2 which is added Letter H can be brief I will add more to that Pay attention to #2 of the instructions. I Doris went to treatment three times. first time out patient which I ended up getting kicked out after re-lapsing I stayed on the hot seat and never recovered due to my smart mouth and cussing my counselors out.the second time I went to in- patient I did not last there a week because the other women in the Cleveland treatment wanted to tell me what to do and they were sick as I they found me a threat along with management. Third time in-patient, I finished a 90 day in house program and I was a leader their. I have never looked back sense. My brother should have went to treatment in Atlanta but he said he never had a problem therefore he stay in and out of jail which is where he is at today. I am a big part of AA, church, and I stay with the winners. My mother was proud of me because she saw the transformation before she passed away. some of my aunts and uncles will think I have never changed and I have to leave them where they are at I have asked for there forgiveness over and over therefore sometimes I feel as though I have no family but I have my AA family my church family, and God who I hold on to today. I hope I have given you enough information to do the second part of this paper. I will guess on the references the chapter is one and anything else you feel you need ok. Use at least 3 to 4 references. part 2 instructions of the family history paper is also added.

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Family History based on Substance Abuse Disorder
Date of submission
Family History based on Substance Abuse Disorder
Family history is the main source of attachment, socialization, nurturing and management of human problems in the current society. Substance use disorders (SUDs) on the family coupled with mental health issues need attention. Each member of a family of different generations is affected differently by such conditions which are not limited to neglect, impaired attachment, unmet needs, economic problems, legal issues, emotional stress, violent behaviors and increased risk of development of SUD or mental problems. Studying family genogram helps in understanding particular problem within a family for the third generation since it indicates some of the underlying problems that are usually inherited by the next generation. Based on the elaborated facts, the essay presents a discussion of a genogram of Doris who has attended SUD treatment three times due to AA relapse. The genogram demonstrates that some of the family members in the family tree have either mental or SUD problems or both with other health conditions which have impacted to either death or divorce as well as legal problems among others.
Family History
The genogram presents the family tree for Doris up to the third generation with the first general deceased while at the second generation, only one of her siblings Ola has died. All the three children Toris Jr, Doris Jean and Ola, had an unstable marriage hence they divorce. At the third generation, Doris has a nephew Tony Williams who was born in 1997 and LeAir Williams born in 2007 (Waters, Watson & Wetzel, 1994).
Alcohol and other drug abuse are the main substances that are consumed along the family tree as exhibited on the genogram especially by the male persons. However, other health conditions are also displayed coupled with mental problems in the first generation, second and third of which women are the majority. Toris William Senior who is the grandfather was born in 1915 and later employed as a family worker. He was an alcoholic and had heart diseases. He died in 2004 probably due to heart problems. Toris William Senior married Dorothy Lee in 1938. She was born in 1921and never abused any substance. She had a spiritual connection and was a housewife. However, Dorothy had heart diseases and died in 2004 probably due to heart failure (Waters, Watson & Wetzel, 1994).
At the second generation, the incidence of substance abuse is exhibited in both Doris Jean who was born in 1954 and Toris Junior born in 1957. Besides, this generation in the family has some instances of sexual abuse such as rape cases, hypertension, and depression especially Doris who was sexually abused while Ola had a cancer problem. At the third generation, LeAir and Toni both abused alcohol and other drugs. However, Toni was sexually abused and raped with LeAir exhibiting mental problems (Waters, Watson & Wetzel, 1994).
Family pattern and theme in the genogram
The first generation valued prayers since Dorothy was a minister daughter hence the family spent most of the time in church. It is noted that siblings such as Doris, Toris Junior, and Ola were brought up in the Christian family. However, there is an unstable relationship in the family tree. The siblings at the second generation had unstable relationships that ended up in divorce after marriage. Ola Williams got a divorce in early 2010, Doris Jean in 2008 and Toris William Jr divorced in 2011 (DeMaria, Weeks & Hof, 2013). However, the first generation had stable marriage until death. At the third generation, Toni has a long term relationship though still not married while LeAir is still ten years of age. Elsewhere, the family intergeneration value education with the majority who are college graduates and students. However, the first generation only indicates that Toris William Senior was a factory worker (DeMaria, Weeks & Hof, 2013).
On a separate note, the family exhibit a pattern of illegal activities especially the second generation. Both Doris Jean and Toris Junior have been sentenced to prison due to other substances abused apart from alcohol (DeMaria, Weeks & Hof, 2013).
Treatment along the family tree and its impacts
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