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Family Dynamics

Essay Instructions:

This is for my journal to be handed in Tuesday morning it shows what needs to be written in the left hand side of pages in margins I was told it was two essays but it just needs to be all written up in 7 pages as well I need four quotes from Family Ties That Bind by author Dr.Ronald W.Richardson the chapters you need to read from is called Working with Families sixth edition By Rena Shimoni /Joanne Baxter please read the following attached files carefully what needs to be read and viewed is in the right hand side what needs to be written about is in the left side in margin

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Family dynamics
While working with families, there is a need to take into account cultural diversity, and as such respect to the family and child is taken into consideration. However, a community may have different perceptions on bringing up children because of differences in attitudes, lifestyles and beliefs. Hence, when working with families, effective collaboration between professionals and the parents improves early childhood services (Shimoni & Baxter, 2013). For instance, when working with children with special attention, one is required to pay extra attention, because their development is faced with challenges. After identifying the special needs, then proposing the possible coping strategies as well as providing ongoing support can help families deal better with challenges of looking at children with special needs.
Children and their needs in a family
People rely on their experiences and colure to interpreting information and meaning in social associations. Families play an important role in the development of a child since the child gets their initial perspective on life from their surrounding and this shapes the values, beliefs and culture in other words a child’s interactions in influencing their behavior cannot be downplayed, given that diverse people play different roles in the lives of a child. In the movie Little Miss Sunshine, the dysfunctional family embarks on a trip so as to enroll the little daughter in a beauty pageant, but then encounter obstacles on the way. The Hoover family members all interact differently from the grandfather the children and the children’s uncle, and there are suggestions it is a dysfunctional family.
Typically family members in a well integrated in the system interact with open communication, but in dysfunctional families the bonds may not be strong enough and this drives the people further away. The family members may have their roles and hence try to adjust to them. There is a deep understanding on what each family member ought to do in the family set up. The family positions further highlight on the family expectations as well as relationship rules. The ideal nuclear family can also be dysfunctional potentially limiting the growth of children, and as such families need to work on their own families. As such, there is a need to understand whether dysfunctional families can become better united.
To further highlight on the importance of family relationships is the way they affect a person’s self esteem and relationship with their spouses, children and friends. Family members may have different personalities, but this could simply be as a response to the personalities of the other family members (Richardson, 2011) As such, in dysfunctional homestead, there is imbalance that often creates unhappiness that affects all the family members. In any family set –up family members and friends may knowingly or unknowingly influence the behavior of children since they often shape the image that children have about themselves.
In a dysfunctional family, the family members are likely to maintain the current position rather than try to deal with problems in the disordered system. Since the members fail to deal with their emotional pain through open communication, they are more likely to preserve their role playing. Over time, such roles can become fixed to the extent that the family members ft into the demands of a role in the dysfunctional family. Such roles can also be as a result of experiencing pain and failure to deal with the pain, and the implications for the individuals and the other family members can be deferent in the case of roles.
Since in a dysfunctional family, the relations are not healthy, the dynamics are also skewed, and there could be role reversal that may result one members being codependent on others than in an unhealthy way. The adults in a healthy relationship should ideally try to limit negative behavior by being more engaging if they identify that their partners have the tendency to evoke negative emotions (Shimoni & Baxter). On the other hand, in the dysfunctional families, enablers facilitate the others to show their bad behavior by ignoring their actions and failing to take adequate measures to deal with the destructive behaviors. Since parents are the primary care givers of a child, they are well placed to impart positive values, and the dysfunctional family system perpetuates a system where, the family members do not address problems over and over again.
In the modern family, it is increasingly common to find single parent families, those with two dads or moms. In the case of single families, there are challenges to family life because the parents may find it difficult to manage time. For modern families, parenting ought to be first priority by putting the needs of a child first. The divorced system and blended families also create challenges to the children. As such, a community can offer support and resources especially in the blended family to ensure that children cope with changing situations (Baxter & Shimoni, 2013). Overall, communication is vital to improving relations with all family members for all the family set ups.
Facing family challenges
Mental or physical health conditions
The family system provides protection and allows children to be nurtured, but when parents are faced with physical and mental difficulties, and then the children's development may be impaired (Shimoni & Baxter). In any case, the children of parents who have experienced mental problems are themselves likely to suffer from mental problems. At the same time, the children may find themselves taking more responsibilities to care for one or more family members. In Canada, children in the care system tend to come from disproportionately dysfunctional families. As such, when assessing the needs of children, then focusing on the needs of families would highlight more on the care packages that are best suited to deal with physical or mental health problems.
Cultural diversity of Canadian families
Even though, English and French are the two recognized official languages in Canada, it is a country of immigrants, and the demographics has changed over time, since the first time the European settlers began migrating. The native population has dwindled over time, and their low economic status has meant that they live on the margins of the society.ofr the recent immigrants; lack of proper knowledge of English has been a problem. Even though, the country uses integration as strategy...
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