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Environmental Factors of China and Its Overall Current Market

Essay Instructions:

Environmental Factors of China and its overall current market. 
1 Demographics
Total population
Population growth rates
Age distribution
Size of middle class (how is ‘middle class’ defined)
Urban/rural composition
2 Politics
Government stability
Economic freedom
Openness to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Legal system
Currency convertibility
3 Physical Infrastructure
Transportation (ports, highways, railroad, airports)
4 Economics
GDP growth rate
Per capita GDP
Consumer inflation rate
Trade as share of GDP
Potential market size
5 Communication Infrastructure
Fixed telephone market
Wireless telephone market
PC ownership
Internet usage
TV usage
6 Tactical Entry Options
Joint agreement

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Institutional Affiliation:
Environmental Factors and Current Market
The population of China as per the 2015 estimates is 1,381,000,000 persons with 91.51% being Han Chinese and the remaining 8.49% as minorities (Data World Bank, 2016). The age distribution of the country is spread according to the younger generation as well as, the older, with the majority being the former. As per the urban and rural distribution, the population is evenly distributed in all the provinces of the country. As per the populace numbers, census of the country identifies the structure and fertility rates as being reminiscent of the 11 regions with 320.6 persons per every square kilometer (Holz, 2014). Concentration is on the east of the identified mountains and southern areas of northern steppe. The country comprises of over 54.7% identified as the middle class while the lower class takes the majority of the bottom half, and the high class adopts a small division but significant.
The government of China has the National Congress of the People, the Council of the State and the President as the main state organs. The central administration is tasked with the administration and running of the country on a day-to-day basis. The economic freedom of China is well documented on the grounds of 52.0 % (Data World Bank, 2016). It is un-free with the global ranking at 144th. The trade freedom ensures that there is a notable success while the change has concerns on corruption, property rights, and freedom of labor (Shah, 2012). The country is open to foreign direct investment, but with a regulation of the tariff rates as well as up to 3.6%. The government is particular with the screening provision of any investment. The legal system is strict with the rule of law while the currency conversion is dependent on the changes in international markets and dollar proficiency.
Physical Infrastructure
In the international standards, China is well versed and distributed with the infrastructure network in the country. A channeled system of transportation that includes highways, ports, railroads, as well as airports, is spread. The physical outlay of infrastructure that influences service and delivery of an administration is dense, especially in the urban regions. Infrastructure advancement remains a top need for China's administration, which has since quite a while ago perceived that a present day economy keeps running on solid streets and rails, power, and broadcast communications (Miyata, Shibusawa, and Chen, 2008). China's administration has similar graphing on goal-oriented arrangements for the country’s expectation. It possibly will help the nation achieve a middle income status. It is also adamant that the nation will utilize the progressive logistics on transport and other resources to develop the nation. It is also progressive with ensuring that the physical infrastructure is sufficient all through for the entire population.
China has a...
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