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Factors that Affect Cardiac Output and Mean Arterial Pressure

Essay Instructions:

In this module, you learn the basics of how each parameter controlling the function of a heart is related. Please be sure to you spend some time becoming familiar with the input parameters in the CardioLab, as these parameters are also used in successive activities.
Open the CardioLab in BioLabs Online and read the Introduction and background information. Next, click on “Assignments” and read the instructions for Assignment 1: Getting to Know CardioLab: Factors That Affect Cardiac Output and Mean Arterial Pressure and Assignment 2: Getting to Know CardioLab: Blood Pressure Homeostasis.
In your lab notebook, write down the parameters you select and record the answers to the questions in Assignment 1 and 2. As you proceed through the assignments, write down your observations. Copy and paste the graphs you create in these assignment into your notebook.
Once you have completed the experiments, answered the questions, and saved and plotted the data, organize the material dealing with Assignment 2: Getting to Know CardioLab: Blood Pressure Homeostasis. Your graphs and histograms should have the axes labeled and a descriptive title.
In this module you compose the Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References of a lab report [Word Document, 14.7KB]. Additional details are available in the Biology lab report guide.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Factors that Affect Cardiac Output and Mean Arterial Pressure
  1. Hypothesis: The increase in blood viscosity will increase blood pres
“Viscosity is an intrinsic property of fluid related to the internal friction of adjacent fluid layers sliding past one another” (Klabunde, 2013), which in turn contributes to the resistance to flow. The more viscous the blood is, the more resistant it is to flow. When blood is more viscous than normal, it does not flow smoothly and would need greater blood pressure in order for it to circulate. This is confirmed by the experiment I conducted. Keeping all the preset data the same, I increased viscosity so that resistance increased from 1200 dyne·s/cm5 to 1599.2 dyne·s/cm5 led the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) to increase from 80 mmHg to 109.8 mmHg. Meanwhile, decreasing the viscosity to decrease the resistance to 799.6 dyne·s/cm5 decreased MAP to 54.9 mmHg.
  1. Hypothesis: The increase in blood vessel radius (BVR) decreases MAP.
When the blood vessel radius increases, it provides the blood with greater surface area to flow, thereby lessening the pressure in the arteries. To test this hypothesis, I set all values to default, but increased the vessel radius by one unit. This led to a lower resistance (1108.1 dyne·s/cm5) and blood pressure (76.1 mmHg). In the case of the hardening of the arteries, the arteries no longer expand to accommodate the blood flow. This condition may be described as a “decreasing vessel radius”. I simulated it and saw that the resistance increased to 1300.3 dyne·s/cm5, and the blood pressure to 89.3 mmHg.
  1. Hypothesis: Increased heart rate on cardi...
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