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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Exploration of Economic Migration and Its Impact on Two Distinct Cities

Essay Instructions:

1. This final paper is an opportunity for you to connect concepts in class with your personal life by using your personal experiences and life histories in discussing selected topics across selected cities.

2. In this paper, you will discuss and analyze an issue that connects your life with two cities in different world regions (refer to the world regions we used in our class). Use the following four steps to construct your paper: a. First, choose an urban-related topic that matters to you. This topic may be connected to you in various ways, such as family migration history, commodity chain of your favorite food or consumer products, experiences during summer trips or conduct of philanthropic activities, political alliances, membership in organizations, etc. Reflect on how this personal connection relates to one of the urban issues we have discussed in class.

You may interrogate any ONE of the economic, political, environmental, social, and cultural processes below:

• Population change and migration

• Economic development

• Urban policies

• Identity narratives

• Urban spectacularism

• Urban renewal

• Suburbanization

• Housing

• Environmental sustainability

• Infrastructural challenges

• Historical development

• Others

b. Choose TWO cities that can be connected by your selected topic. Your chosen cities can be your hometown, places you frequently visit, sites where component of your favorite gadgets are manufactured, places you want to visit in the future, etc. You should explain your choice. Make sure that AT LEAST ONE of the cities is from a region outside of North America. c. Compare and contrast how the two cities are related and affected by the topic you have chosen. Through your chosen topic, discuss in detail the social, political, economic, and environmental processes that shape urban issues in your two cities. How are the two cities different and similar? How are the two cities global (gateway for economic, political, and cultural globalization)? In your discussion, make sure to mention actual sites, policies, development projects, neighborhoods, and other details about your chosen city. That is, be as specific as possible in giving examples. d. Provide a conclusion that summarizes what you have discussed. 2. The paper should at least be 1000 words, double-spaced, and type written. You may use any font style. Font size is anywhere between 10 to 12 pt. Be sure to include your name and the word count at the top of the paper.

3. Write in FIRST PERSON. Your final paper will involve your personal experiences, thoughts, and life histories.

4. Craft your own title.

5. Feel free to include photos, maps, and other visuals.

6. You may use examples discussed in class, but we strongly encourage you to add new case studies.

7. You may use references used in class (textbook, lecture notes, etc.). We also encourage you to cite outside references from reputable sources (e.g. academic journal articles, books, news). You may use any citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, and Chicago), as long as you are consistent. 8. Your discussion sections will hold regular workshop sessions about your final paper. Your final paper topic NEEDS TO BE APPROVED by your TAs DURING workshop sessions in your discussion sections. Your final paper will NOT BE MARKED if the topic has not been approved by your TA. Please attend your discussion sections.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Paper

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Final Paper

A Personal Exploration of Economic Migration and Its Impact on Two Distinct Cities


I saw the complex relationship between urbanization and identity from my childhood in Asia. My family's migration history frames a profound exploration of economic migration, an urban theme that has shaped my family's narrative and urban discourse. I reflect on my life and the complex urban issues we've studied in social sciences class. Economic migration, the focal point, is deeply ingrained in my family's history. This paper connects personal history to global urban issues. To study economic migration's effects on urban landscapes, I compare two cities—one representing my family's origins and the other a global metropolis symbolizing the interconnectedness of urban narratives worldwide.

Economic Migration and its Impact on Urban Dynamics

My family's history is intricately woven with the thread of economic migration, which has a lasting impact on our identity and how we view urban life. This phenomenon, examined via the prism of migration and population shift, reveals a story beyond simple geographic displacement. Tracing the shapes of economic migration is a complicated evolution that is social, cultural, and financial (Des Roches et al., 2021). People moving

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