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Examination and Analysis of Aging Theories to Comprehend Adult Temperament

Essay Instructions:

Analyze and explain the ageing process of an elderly.

Use case examples to support your answer

Analyze the following ageing theories to help us understand elderly behavior and how these theories can be applied. Use case examples to support your answer.

- Disengagement Theory

- Activity Theory

- Substitution Theory

- Continuity Theory (Cox, 1984).

I will upload the lecture slides so that you can follow what is taught in class when writing the answer, thank you.

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An Examination and Analysis of Aging Theories to Comprehend Adult Temperament
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An Examination and Analysis of Aging Theories to Comprehend Adult Temperament
Aging is a natural and unchangeable process affecting all living beings. Reduced biological features and an enhanced threat of diseases and death systemize it. Over the years, several aging concepts have been developed to define the mechanisms behind this program. Some of the most impactful aging theories include the programmed aging theory, the oxidative stress theory, the inflammation, activity, and the telomere theory (Hillier & Barrow, 2015). Their usefulness has been estimated and examined in different stages. For example, research has manifested that modifications in biological pointers, such as telomere length and inflammation, may forecast age-related health issues which may affect the life cycle.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Changes in Elderly People in Different Aspects
The figure above systematically manifests the psychological and social factors, such as personality traits, social cohesion, and involvement. These activities may affect older adults' quality of life and health (HealthHub, 2023). This research will analyze four aging concepts to examine adults' behavior at different age stages.
Disengagement Theory
According to this theory, disengagement is a natural and free-flow process that provides positive outcomes to both the individual and society. In Singapore, the disengagement theory can be estimated in the behavior of older adults who believe in withdrawing from their professional and personal social life as their ages increase. Singapore is recognized for its rapidly aging population, with over 13% of its residents above 65 in 2020 (Malhotra et al., 2018). The needs and expectations of elderly citizens are difficult to be comprehended by disengagement theory. One example of applying the disengagement theory in Singapore is in the field of employment. The misappropriation from the workforce can be observed as a natural framework that allows older people to modify themselves to a more luxurious lifestyle while enabling younger employees to join the force (Anonymous, n.d). Elderly individuals in Singapore may detach from defined social roles and relationships as they age, such as those related to labor or care services. It can allow them to focus on sustaining essential social contexts with family members and close friends and continuing hobbies they may not have had time for earlier. The disengagement theory can also be attributed to Singapore's healthcare sphere. Individuals may face falling health and need more assistance with support as they become age.
Activity Theory
This theory focuses on the aspect that human beings are naturally thrilled and aspire to entangle in comprehensive and amusable activities, regardless of their age groups. In Singapore, the activity theory can be attributed to examining the gestures of older/older people who sustain their alertness and get involved in various healthy activities, including professional work, offering services, social intermixing, and maintaining their hobbies (Chin & Phua, 2016). Regarding age gaps, the country’s rapidly growing population presents several potential opportunities and challenges, especially in the context of activity theory. One possible example of applying the activity theory in the country is found in the employment sphere. Many elderly individuals in Singapore prefer to sustain their workload according to their ages and working capacity, especially when they get older (Hillier & Barrow, 2015). It provides them with financial and social security by keeping them socially active through social intermixing. These activities also help enhance their mental growth and keep them aligned positively. To illustrate, the government's re-employment program states that employers must re-employ old/retired employees if they can work up to the age of 67. The employees are retired at 60-62 but are re-employed if they are physically and mentally fit to work till age 67. Singapore has an active social servicing sphere, and many older adults regressively...
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