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Evaluate and Justify the use of the Death Penalty

Essay Instructions:

Death Penalty week 6

Proponents and opponents of the use of the death penalty often have passionate views. Each group may present persuasive arguments to support their side of the death penalty controversy. For example, proponents argue that the death penalty fulfills a societal need for justice. While opponents argue, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. Even though you might have an unyielding point of view when it comes to the death penalty, it is important to explore the position of those on the other side of the issue.
For this Discussion, you consider arguments for and against the use of the death penalty in the criminal justice system. Regardless of your view on the death penalty controversy, this assignment requires you to consider a circumstance when you absolutely would support the use of the death penalty and one circumstance when you absolutely would not support the use of the death penalty. Debate about the death penalty can be volatile, emotional, and divisive. Therefore, it is important that you justify your arguments with sound scholarly references from the Learning Resources.

  • Evaluate and justify the use of the death penalty
  • Explain how Supreme Court decisions influenced the evolution of the death penalty
  • Analyze the financial and social impact of the death penalty

An argument for or against the use of the death penalty. Provide one circumstance where you absolutely would support the use of the death penalty and explain why. Then, provide one circumstance where you absolutely would NOT support the use of the death penalty and explain why. Justify your arguments using examples from the Learning Resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Death Penalty
Course Title
Death Penalty
The issue of capital punishment has generated heated debates in the recent years. Ideally, this issue has created two schools of thought attracting both supporters and critics. According to Aronson and Cole (2009), the likelihood of executing innocent individuals as emerged as the most salient argument for some abolitionists. Men are more supportive of the death penalty or capital punishment relative to women (Cochran & Sanders, 2009). This gender difference in the levels of support of capital punishment has been attributed to Calligan’s (1982, cited in Cochran & Sanders, 2009) the differences in ethics of care between men and women. This essay seeks to justify the use of the death penalty and examine the influence of the Supreme Court decisions on it, as well as the social and financial impact of capital punishment.
Justification of the Use of the Death Penalty
The while supporters of the death penalty contend that such penalty is necessary in order to ensure justice and deter people against committing serious crimes, critics argue that the death penalty is an unusual and cruel punishment. The death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment. It refers to a legal process that facilitates the U.S. federal government or the state governments to execute the perpetrators of serious crimes such as murder and rape. In the light of this, some states consider the death penalty as a fair legal process for executing people who have committed terrible crimes.
The specific circumstances and offenses which determines the eligibility of a person who has committed capital crime(s) are defined by the statute as well as prescribedby the state legislature of the Congress (U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, n.d). One circumstance that could necessitate the use of the death sentence is when someone is convicted with first degree murder. It is noteworthy that the main purpose of the deterring the would-be criminals from committing terrible crimes, especially murder. As a result, people convicted of committing first degree murder ought to be executed in order to deter them from perpetrating similar crimes as well as discourage others from committing murder. In contrast, providing such criminals with lesser sentences such as parole, probation and life imprisonment is regarded as a violation of justice and an encouragement for the would-be criminals...
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