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Ethical Conflict Involving Social Work Interactions

Essay Instructions:

This assignment relates to EPAS 1 and aligns with the Values and Cognitive/Affective Processes dimensions. The paper will demonstrate your ability to apply social work ethical principles to guide professional social work practice at the micro level. In consultation with your field instructor, identify a potential or actual ethical conflict involving social work interactions with clients, within the parameters of your field agency if you are in field placement. Develop a paper using the headings below: (Page limit: 5-10 pages excluding cover page/reference page. Follow APA 7th edition format) 1. Describe an Ethical Dilemma: Clearly describe the ethical conflict or dilemma, indicating the circumstances involved (who, what, how would clients be affected?) 2. NASW Code of Ethics: Indicate the standard or section(s) of the Code of Ethics you believe apply to the dilemma in #1. Which standards are in conflict? Quote from the Code as needed (using APA in-text citation format). Provide your rationale for the selection of portions of the Code you chose. Identify the competing core values or ethical principles of the social work profession that are in opposition. These should be the higher order concepts derived from #1 dilemma above. 3. Exploration of Your Values: Through reflection on your own values, identify your beliefs or values that are relevant to the dilemma posed in #1 above. Discuss the potential influence your personal values might have in your decision making. 4. Agency Policies and Laws: Describe any applicable agency policies or laws that address the areas of ethical concern you are discussing. 5. Consultation: Report consultation with at least one social work professional pertaining to the ethical dilemma. This can be someone in addition to your field instructor. 6. Actions and Consequences: Discuss at least two (2) possible courses of action you are considering in relation to the ethical dilemma discussed above, and the probable consequences of each course of action. 7. Solution: Recommend one course of action to resolve the ethical dilemma, explaining your reasoning for this action.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work Values and Ethics Paper
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Description of the Ethical Dilemma
The ethical dilemma I face is that I have a client who came to the residential treatment facility where I work. I work as a counselor at a substance abuse facility and am a social work major. Upon the client's arrival, I found that he knew me from outside the treatment facility, and based on this relationship, he knew that I was going to bring him cigarettes into the facility. There is the prohibition of carrying or allowing clients on treatment to abuse drugs within the drug abuse treatment facility, as this affects their treatment plan, schedule, and outcome. Also, as a social work major and a counselor, I should ensure that I maintain the value of human relationships, which is essential in therapy (Scarvaglieri, 2020). The dilemma is that I am obliged to maintain a relationship with the client, which will affect the outcome of the counseling sessions, and also have integrity in protecting the ethical standards of the institution, which is the prohibition of allowing or bringing substances for clients, especially those under treatment for substance abuse disorder. This paper highlights the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics concerning the ethical dilemma and opposing code of ethics. It explores various values associated with the moral dilemma, agencies and laws regarding the ethical dilemma, actions to the ethical dilemma, and consequences of the activities and then recommends a solution to the problem.
NASW Code of Ethics
The NASW Code of Ethics can be theorized as a combination of ideals and principles that guide the conduct of social workers in their professional setting. The behavior is usually between the social workers and their professional work, clients, colleagues, practice settings, and the broader society (NASW, 2021). The NASW Code of Ethics provides ethical canons anchored on social work's fundamental values and ethical standards that assist in dealing with ethical issues or dilemmas in the social work profession. More specifically, fundamental social values, including service to humanity, social justice, an individual's self-worth and dignity, the value of human relationships, integrity, and competence, guide the ethical canons. In this vein, the abovementioned dilemma proves relevant to the NASW's ethical codes. For instance, the first challenged ethical value is the service. The moral principle for the value of service claims that social workers aim to help people in need and address their social problems (NASW, 2021). As a social worker in the substance abuse treatment setting, I am expected to be of service to the clients and the community population at large. The client requires cigarettes, and according to the ethical value of service, I should not bring such a detrimental substance to him. Nevertheless, in the practice setting, social workers should ensure that they do not get substances to abuse the clients, which brings an ethical dilemma. The moral value of integrity is also affected and opposes the action to bring the cigarette to the client.
According to the honest value of innocence, the ethical principle claims that social workers should be aware of their profession's mission, values, and ethics and take measures to protect themselves personally and professionally. Therefore, despite having to offer services to all clients, the services should be ethically and legally acceptable in professional and practice settings. The other ethical value is the importance of human relationships, and social workers must note that the relationship between and among people is the vehicle for change (NASW, 2021). As I have a relationship with the client outside the treatment facility, this also affects how I respond to the request for bringing cigarettes. Therefore, the ethical standards ensure that in the delivery of services, the personal and social relationships with the client should not be the basis of violating the ethical standards.
Exploration of Your Values
In my social work professionalism, I have three beliefs and values concerning the ethical dilemma of upholding social relationships with others, carrying out social work with integrity, and providing ultimate service to clients. In this context, once faced with this moral dilemma, I also questioned my beliefs and values in the social work profession. First, the client is a person with whom I have a relationship outside the treatment facility, and we know each other. This is why he is c...
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