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Essentials of Executive Protection Social Sciences PRO 494

Essay Instructions:

PRO 494 –Written Assignment 1: Her Majesty Mrs. Brown
Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page and references page)
Due:  any time prior to the end of Module 4 (by the end of week 8)
Description: As made clear in the video, “Her Majesty Mrs. Brown”, John Brown was not trained as an EP specialist but came to be responsible for the safety and security of the Queen of England.  A great deal can be learned from observing how he went about doing his job.  In your essay, compare your understanding of the protective security specialist's code of conduct and ethical standards to John Brown's actions and conduct in the film.  If you are not familiar with the reign of Queen Victoria, I encourage you to do some research into this period in history and include any pertinent information that may not have been included in the film or was misrepresented.  If you do include research results, ensure any information included is properly documented.  
Audience:  Your readers may not be familiar with protective security operations so be sure to fully explain your logic and reasoning behind your decision-making.
Sources:  If you use outside sources to support your analysis, document them with APA style in-text citations and on a references page.  Please use the H-PU Virtual Library to find sources, if appropriate. 
Language: Present your paper in a professional, academic way that addresses the designated audience. Your essay will be graded on style as well as content, per established grading rubrics. Your essay should have the proper structure and be free of grammatical, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors.
Format: Format your paper according to the APA guidelines posted in the course.  Please use the H-PU APA Guidelines for Academic Papers and the APA Example Paper Template (located under Course Resources) to develop your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essentials of Executive Protection
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Essentials of Executive Protection
The video “Her Majesty Mrs Brown” describes the story of Queen Victoria and John Brown. Queen Victoria was bereaved when Prince Consort, Prince Albert passed away leading to the Queen’s inconsolable life. She was so heartbroken and there was no one to console her. She almost led a secluded life. John Brown, a Scottish servant, was spotted as the only person who would console Queen Victoria. He had been the only servant who had won the trust of the Queen and he was probably going to ease the inconsolable Queen. John Brown became a close friend to the Queen although he was being resented by other members of the royal family. All the same, Brown dedicated himself to serving as loyal security personnel to the Queen. He had not trained as an EP specialist but he came to be responsible for the safety and security of the Queen of England and her family. Despite not being a trained EP specialist, Brown’s way of serving as a security personnel reflected the protective security specialist’s code of conduct and ethical standards.
A personal protection specialist, commonly known as the ‘bodyguard’ is entrusted with an ethical responsibility of looking after his client and the responsibility stretches far beyond the expectations other positions that may be held by security personnel (Kryłowicz, 2016).. The life of the client closely depends on the integrity and professionalism of the personal protection specialist and should be completely trusted by the client so as to guarantee his or her security (Kryłowicz, 2016). To ensure that the bodyguards are persons of high integrity and professionals, there is established code of ethics expected to be followed by such personnel. They have to undergo training so as to be taught such ethics (Kryłowicz, 2016). During the training, the persons are provided with the ethical guidelines before being licensed so that they can be selected as bodyguards to important people that deserve their services.
The code of ethics, among many other aspects of ethics, emphasizes on trust among the persons training to be bodyguards. It is emphasized that the person must earn and maintain a complete trust to the client. Trust is seen as a crucial aspect of the security specialist as mistrust towards the personnel by the client may lead to the client ignoring his or her advice even under circumstances where the advice is vital to the security of the dignitary. Mistrust could likely harm the client and is the most u...
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