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Environmental Injustice and Globalization: Development of Biofuels

Essay Instructions:

Environmental Injustice and Globalization
This activity will enable you to:
Analyze significant economic questions according to the standards of the discipline in at least three broad subfields of economics, such as applied microeconomics, global and macroeconomics, econometrics and finance. (Economics Major Outcome #3)
Analyze international and global issues and problems and articulate how politics, cultural differences, economics, and religions may shape various perspectives and proposed solutions to these problems. (General Education Outcome # 5.3)
Identify social arrangements interpreted as unjust and articulate the implications for social policy and action. (Sociology Major Outcome #4)
Understand the process of globalization and its consequences for societies, cultures, groups, and individuals
Provide a variety of perspectives on the different dimensions and complexity of globalization
Read the following from Lechner and Boli (Eds.), (2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.):
Introduction to Part XII: Alternative Globalization and the Global Justice Movement
Chapter 76: A Better World is Possible!
View the following video:
Moyers and Company: The Problem with Genetically Modified Seeds. [Video file][26 min 00 sec] Films Media Group, 2012. Films on Demand
Answer the following question:
What is the price that developing countries pay for the development of biofuels? Who benefits from this?

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Environmental Injustice and Globalization
ThePrice That Developing Countries Pay For the Development of Biofuels
Several governments are supporting biofuels for a variety of reasons that include the reduction of greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions and the security in improved energy as compared to fossil fuels. On the other hand, biofuels have resulted in employment generation and economic development especially in developing countries (Castro, 2015). However, given the life-cycle system analysis and cost benefits analysis, the expansion of biofuels may result in complex effects especially on the interactions with fuel prices, food, and land use. It is consequently necessary to detail that biofuels are not economically competitive with government support in fossil fuels since the prevailing costs are questionable.
In as much as biofuels are viewed as a threat to developing countries food security, the proper management of this energy may lead to an improvement in the productivity of the agricultural sector over a longer period with benefits that would result in food security for the rural livelihoods (Roberts & Parks, 2012). On the other hand, conside...
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