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Environment Policy (Reading Precise and Statement)

Essay Instructions:

The readings is about Environment Ontario Policy 
Readings Log
• Each student will submit a set (six readings) of short summaries of the readings 
• Each summary has two brief components: a precis and a statement of the student’s main response to the main points of the reading.
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Environment Policy (Reading Precise and Statement)
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Environment Policy (Reading Precise and Statement)
Decisions and Non-decisions (author Baratz)
Decisions refers to making a choice from the given alternatives. This definition does not entail deprivation nor does it involve power. It is a choice among alternative after weighing options and taking the best among them in value. On the other hand, non-decisions refer to choices made for the interest of a few. This happens especially in political systems and subsystems CITATION Bar70 \l 1033 (Baratz, 1970). The decision maker benefits from the choices made before the majority voice their opinions through the decision making process. An example to this is when a decision maker uses extreme force to calm down the voice of many, uses extreme power to enable making a non-decision, and use of an existing bias to influence a decision. Another method of making a non-decision is the strengthening of bias to block any challenge. A fifth way is through reinforcing the existing barriers or constructing new barriers.
In order to identify a non-decision, the best way to begin is on the process of making decisions. Since the victims do not understand how the process took place, the makers do not know the full implication of their actions. In evaluating the process, one will identify active and passive decision makers. The process will also reveal the use of bias, the insights into the disfavored victims, and the extent of the victims’ interest. This scrutiny has to be for an important aspect or topic and it will always reveals power struggle, those who benefit from decisions and those victimized.
To reallocate resources and values, two categories will seek reallocation. Persons and groups. Persons are individuals and association either in government or with citizens. Groups include civil rights organizations, industrial firms, and white supremacy. On the other hand, those persons and groups committing to existing values have a stake in the prevailing decisions made.
The channel for policy choices or change refers to one that contains demands for policy change and contains discussions to the point for calling for resolution of the decision. It can either face closure with values that suppresses grievances or have a power barrier.
The legal framework (author Mitnick)
Environmental decisions in Canada are gaining fame and have changed in the last decade. Judges look for due diligence in making environmental decisions various issues. Courts follow due diligence in making a decision as seen in the case of R. v. Sault Ste. Marie. This due diligence involves reviewing the true nature of the crimes, that is, if they have a criminal intent that will invoke mens rea or absolute liability offenses.
In environmental cases, sentencing involves making business sense and affording protection for officers and corporations from liability under environmental regulations and statutes. The courts have continually tried to punish those who damage the environment. In sentencing offenders, courts consider; the nature of the affected environment, extent of the damage, the size and wealth of the firm, level of crime, extent to comply, feeling or remorse, amount of profit the offense will realize, and prior criminal records CITATION BMM80 \l 1033 (Mitnick, 1980).
In this regard, the following case has had an environmental case to answer. The case R. v Bata Industries Limited led to formulation of laws that directly affect the environment. The case involved Bata plant for letting drums rot in the warehouse without disposal that they leaked their contents to the ground. In addition, board of governors had the knowledge but did not take action against spillage and against the waste. The court concluded that every company should have environmental procedures, policies, and enforcement guidelines. All companies should have an environmental audit and deficiencies rectified. Management of companies should receive adequate training through attending seminars. All companies should comply with industrial standards.
Environmental cases reveal that there is a relationship between EMS and Board of Governors. The Board of Governors have the authority to foresee any environmental damages of a company that might affect its function or lead to fines. On the other hand, an EMS will ensure compliance of staff with the environmental regulations and report urgent matters to the directors. However, board of directors can delegate or vet review the EMS regularly.
Approaches to Public policy (author Pigou)
There are various methods, levels and units of analysis, decision makers use to make a public policy. There are two theories such as deductive theory and inductive theory. Deductive involves rational choice or public choice, class analysis (Marxism), and actor-centered institutionalism. Inductive theory involves sociological Individualism, group theories, and socio-historical neo-institutionalism. Deductive theories recognize the value of the market and rely on it for getting utility. Inductive reasoning argue that an individual needs to make decisions that maximize their own utility without relying on the market.
In democratic government, these approaches vary depending on an electoral period. Most cases this is a method of extending the provision of public goods and services. Public choice theorists claim that in order for efficient resource allocation, there is need to curb and prevent utility-maximizing behavior that serves the interests of a few individuals.
Marxism Social theory acknowledges the existence of two classes; those who own modes of production and those who work for the owners. These theorists state that in a capitalist society, decision makers make decisions for the interests of a few. The Marxist perspective take the form that the capitalists make decisions to advance their interests.
Transaction Cost Analysis a form of deductive measure draws its meaning from individual and collective action towards policy-making. For efficient resource allocation, decision makers should use an approach that uses minimum costs. This approach emphasizes the role of the political regime to exercise its power from the society in making policy decisions. It takes into account that the political regime takes note of the values and norms of the society and government institutions affect the behavior of the state. Transaction cost analysis bears in mind the role of institutions in effecting problems and finding their solutions.
Inductive theories base their argument on an individual but not in an individual self-maximizing way. Welfare economics argue that an individual has to make the best decision to maximize utility without relying on the market as in deductive theory.
Pluralism and corporation takes place in the political process for interest groups. Here groups with common and similar interests gather to influence decision-making process. This theory acknowledges that the groups consist of individuals who join many groups and these groups do not have equal influencing power on the government. However, the theory overlooks the power of international systems in making public policies CITATION ACP32 \l 1033 (Pigou, 1932).
Policy Instruments (authors: Peters and Nispen)
These refer to governing tools governments use to effect policies. They are means governments have that they select to implement or select policies. The choice of instrument is controversial and complex as the decision itself. There are classifications of policy instruments into substantive instruments such as user charges and public enterprises that deliver services and goods into the society. Procedural instruments such as governmental reorganizations and advisory committees alter aspects of deliberations of policy.
Direct provision category of public policy is the most basic form instrument of those based on organizations. Direct provision enables the government to perform the task itself instead of waiting for the private sector. Its advantages include easy establishment because it requires low information. Secondly, the number of agencies are many that enable build necessary information for efficient performance CITATI...
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