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E-mail to Writer and Creator of the Television Show 'Euphoria'

Essay Instructions:

You need to APPLY the articles, which means you need to demonstrate that you read the articles and that you are able to take the information presented in the article and use it to explain why your target artifact is problematic or progressive. This is more than simply quoting, this is connecting information. I would generally recommend against quoting because it does not do the work of applying the content, instead, we rely on the quote to do the work for us, when in reality, the author never meant to do that in the first place. See the note from the syllabus at the bottom of this announcement.Write a brief (750 words MAXIMUM) email to a content producer who is responsible for the production or distribution of a media artifact (e.g., commercial, television show, movie, music video, news package, magazine article) that explains how the artifact perpetuates or overturns conventions by applying at least 2 in-class readings. You must select an artifact from the past 2 years; i.e., 2019 or later. Apply the class material to describe the complex effects of media content by constructing clear and concise arguments that are grounded in history, theory, and research. In short, you are helping someone who has not taken this class to (1) consider why the target content may be inappropriate and offensive or progressive and valuable, (2) identify relevant implications for different groups, and (3) recommend alternatives that promote a culture of inclusivity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Email 2
Student Full Name
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Due Date
Email 2
Sam Levinson
Writer and creator of the television show, Euphoria
Dear Sir,
I wish to bring to your attention how your acclaimed television show, Euphoria, perpetuates toxic masculinity among young people. While the teen drama television series was widely praised for its cinematography, solid cast, and strong premise, it is also responsible for glorifying toxic male behavior through its main character, Nate Jacobs. Jacobs, a privileged and popular high school football player, is a morally questionable character and the embodiment of male toxicity. He showcases manipulative behavior among entitled young men who believe that sexism, status, and aggression are the preserve of manhood. On the surface, Nate appears to be another conceited quarterback from an affluent family who likes to remain popular by regularly attending infamous college parties. However, Nate’s even more disturbing sociopathic behavior emerges very quickly and one is disturbed by his continued exploitation of women. Because he is physically attractive and popular in high school, over and above, the fact that his father owns nearly the whole town, everyone is willing to put up with his toxic character or excuse his demented misogyny instead of addressing it.
The show hints that much of Nate’s toxic association of masculinity with hypersexuality and sexism stems from the shame and fear of being aware of his father’s repressed sexuality. Because he wishes to stand up to his father’s hollow and frank definition of masculinity as strength and perfection, Nate loves nothing and no one: any woman who refuses his advances or anyone who challenges him inspires a sociopathic rage in him, often ending in violent en...
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