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What Are the Most Effective Criminal Justice Polices Used To Control Crime

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Effective Crime-Control Policies Week 11 Hello The major requirements from the professor. Requires, three or more creative, innovative sub-headings or subtitle and ending with the conclusion to organize the clearer essay to make more reader- friendly. Please remember to include responding to colleague posting (same subject) I have attached file Thanks

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What Are the Most Effective Criminal Justice Polices Used To Control Crime
The Most Effective Criminal Justice Polices in Crime Control
Due to developmental aspects such as new technological advancements, criminals have used the new trends to their advantage. There have been pre-existing policies in the attempt to reduce and curb crime. However, a significant number of police units in America find dealing with group-related violence a challenge in their line of duty. The government aims at preventing such criminal activities before they happen, through important strategic measures such as chastising the criminals apprehended as a lesson for others to refrain from crime. On the other side, there is a range of criminal activities still in existence, such as rape, abduction for ransom, murder, and burglary. The relevant police departments make use of both new and traditional means of crime control to reduce the crimes. The paper evaluates the crime control policies and suggests of the best policies that the units could use to control crime effectively.
Gang Violence and Ways the Police Units Can Control Gang-Related Crime
Gang crimes have escalated immeasurable in a societal view. The main strategic measure applied to control group related crime has been prevention strategies (Braga, 2012). Prevention measures have been quite effective. However, gang-related crimes are dynamic in nature. Gangs and group-based violence involve exchange of ideas among the people, which makes the strategies used by the criminals dynamic in nature. A good example of the crime-prevention strategy the police units use is aggregating risks and consequences from committing crimes among the criminals. Criminals on the other hand especially the gang criminals speculate on the consequences and come up with new strategies for conducting crimes with initial calculated careful measures to avoid detection from the police.
There are several changes and remedies police could apply towards gang-related crimes. Firstly, the police can narrow down to a specific incidence that involved gang violence. From the incidence, they can call experts to draw them behavioral sequences of the possible ideas and meticulous measures the criminal used and from the frameworks of the patterns created. The police would effectively control gang-related violence. Another solution to the gang-related crimes would be integrating diverse aspects such as law enforcements units, gang-research crime teams, and community-based experts to work together on a certain crime to exhaust the gang strategies used and lawfully punish the involved parties.
Disintegration of the Crime Control Policies to Match the Offences Criminals Commit
The crime control policies aim to give the same punishment to certain offenders of a related criminal behavior. There should be the further disintegration of the offenses to make the policies more effectual among the law offenders. Prominent examples of a common offense are theft and burglary activities among the societies (Caudill and Trulson, 2012). Giving the same punishment to criminals who conduct sophisticated crimes with well-calculated measures such as bank robbers or fraudsters and primitive thieves who pickpocket people from the streets depict of some levels of inaccuracy. The reason behind this is that despite the two groups committed a crime within the same bracket, which is theft, although there are different impacts and effects from the crime.
Further disintegration of these policies would depict of enhanced levels of accuracy. If a person who commits primitive crimes serves quite a less punishment to the sophisticated offender or the justice systems give heavier punishment to the sophisticated offender, there punishment would be quite accurate and effective. The primary reason behind this is that primitive law offenders instead of refraining from the acts tend to upgrade to use sophisticated and well-calculated means to avoid detection and detention. Based on the above analogy, the equal punishment seems to escalate crime instead of controlling crime.
Measures to Control Homicide Crimes
A significant number of people view serial killings as the most dominant form of...
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