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Education and Socio-economic Status

Essay Instructions:
Part 1: Topic and Outline We have been exploring in this module how race, ethnicity and culture can influence an individual's socio-economic status. Now it is your chance to dig into this complex issue in greater detail. In this essay you will explore the intersection of education and socio-economic status for different minorities in the U.S. You will be using the Excelsior Library, to conduct your research. Your essay topic should be carefully researched and develop conclusions from reliable data. This assignment is the same type as you completed in Module 1. Use your experiences and instructor feedback from that assignment to develop your work on this one. For your Topic Proposal and Outline: 1.Please select ONE of these groups: -African Americans -Native Americans -Latino citizens -Chinese -Japanese -Vietnamese -Eastern Europeans (the former Soviet bloc countries) -East Africans and other refugees from war, poverty, etc. -Undocumented immigrant/workers -Other group, (please discuss with your instructor) Outline Requirements: 1.Clearly identify the group you selected 2.Construct a clear, precise research question around the topic of education and improved socio-economic status 3.Provide an outline that includes a clear idea of where you will be going in your essay and: 1.Introduction 2.Historic data 3.Today's data 4.Change over time 5.Be sure you examine the multiple aspects of education, the various levels, etc. You may also want to include military service as an alternative to only school. 6.Compare the group's progress to others; how do they compare, and what is going on behind the scenes to impact these statistics? 7.YOUR analysis and examination of possible solutions you have found, as well as your own ideas, and conclusion. Part 2: Essay For the second part of the assignment, you will write an essay based on your topic choice. In this essay you will explore the intersection of education and socio-economic status for different minorities in the U.S. Have you found any solutions in your research for the issue? If so, include them in your discussion/conclusion, along with your own ideas about how education can and cannot help people improve their socio-economic status. You will be using the Excelsior Library, to conduct your research. Please include the following in your essay: 1.Construct a title, proposal and research question around your selected group and the following statement: “Education is the key to success in America. With an education you can become anything you wish to be.” 2.Start with the U.S. Census data and go as far back as you can to research your group. You will want to track change over time in: number of people identified as part of this group, income range and education reported. Compare and contrast to “majority whites”. (some groups have been followed for years, or decades, but others have not, so you may need to do some digging). 3.How has education helped your group to improve over time, or has it? (research beyond the Census stats needed here) 4.Are the promises made about education actually being fulfilled? Why or why not? (real sociology-type question) 5.What other factors may be at play here? 6.Discuss the facts you have located and the interplay of these to build to a logical and informed conclusion. 1.Start with the U.S. Census data and go as far back as you can to research your group. You will want to track change over time in: number of people identified as part of this group, income range, and education reported. Compare and contrast to “majority whites” (some groups have been followed for years or decades, but others have not, so you will need to do some digging).. 2.Address these questions:. a.How has education helped your group to improve over time, or has it? (research beyond the Census stats needed here). b.Are the promises made about education actually being fulfilled? Why or why not? (real sociology-type question). c.What other factors may be at play here?. . 4.Discuss the facts you have located and the interplay of these to build to a logical and informed conclusion. Have you found any solutions in your research for the issue? If so, include them in your discussion/conclusion, along with your own ideas about how education can and cannot help people improve their socio-economic status.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Education and Socio-Economic Status Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Education and Socio-Economic Status Part 1 African Americans are a minority group in the United States who landed in America as a result of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Since the end of slavery, African Americans have suffered what is called double jeopardy (old age and being black). After slavery, the Africans were too old to go to school, and the failure to school by the forefathers has significantly affected the African Americans to date. Research question Does education help people improve their socio-economic status? Introduction Low socioeconomic status, poverty, poor health and low levels of education affect the entire society holistically. Disparities in these factors have negative effects that are felt by everyone regardless of whether a victim or not. For example one cannot be happy when the neighbor is suffering out of poverty; it will disturb in one way or another. There is a close correlation between ethnicity and socio-economic status. Research has shown that race, ethnicity determines the socio-economic status of an individual when the society is subjected to stratification. African Americans equally occupy a low social status attributed to the disadvantages of slavery and the status they earned as slaves. During the slavery, African Americans were not allowed to go to school or own any property (Smith, McPherson, & Smith-Lovin, 2014). They worked in plantations where they were paid little money if anything at all. They became poor and were not able to educate their children after that. Historic Data 62.5% of elderly African-Americans were languishing in poverty as of 1959. The poverty level dropped to 36.3% in 1970 but for there has been little change since then until 1990. In 1990, 33.3 % of black Americans were still living below the poverty line (Dominic J. Brewer, 2010). 60.6% of the African American women who were living alone were living below poverty line. It was established that gender, race, age, urban city, marital status, religion and education were the determinants of poverty levels. Black-white dissimilarities in the education can be explained by the inequalities to the opportunities for basic education in the past. In 1992 only 24.6% of the black Americans were educated compared to 58% of the whites who were elderly (Dominic J. Brewer, 2010). Today's data As of 2014, 84.4% of black Americans aged 25 and above had attained high school diploma, 19.7% had a bachelor’s degree. 2.9 million African Americans were enrolled in undergraduate compared to 2.8 million in 2009 which represents 5.3 % change (Banks, 2015). Change Over Time As may be deducted from above data, it is clear that African Americans are enrolling for better education at an increasing rate. For example an increase of 5.3 percent increment for back Americans enrolling for undergraduate education (Banks, 2015). Comparison with Other Groups As of 2013, 40% of whites within the age bracket of 25 and 29 had bachelor's degree compared to 20% African-Americans of the same age bracket who had a bachelor's degree. 15% of Hispanics within the age limit had bachelors' degree and 58% of the Asians. African Americans become second last in the category (Banks, 2015). Graduation rates for Africans also come second last. In 1996 58% of whites and 69% of Asians who enrolled for a four-year course graduated six years later compared to 39% of Africans and 46% of Hispanics. Years later, the percentages for Hispanics and whites graduating after the six-year course had changed but not for blacks (Banks, 2015). In 2005, whites who graduated had risen to 62%, 51% for Hispanics and 40% for blacks (only 1% change). Parents' marital status and high school quality accounted for the statistics (Banks, 2015). Regarding unemployment rates for graduates aged 25 and 29 were 7.6% for undergraduates and 17.8% of college graduates (Banks, 2015). Part 2 African Americans have made a significant change in seeking higher education. Th...
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