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Economic Sanctions Effectiveness Against Government That Violates Human Rights

Essay Instructions:

The journal entries each week will be directly related to the topics we cover in that Module. Unlike discussion postings, these are visible only to the student writing the entry and the instructor. Other students will not be able to view journal entries. I expect that your journal entries will be original, thoughtful, and meaningful and they should be well written with correct grammar and structure. Please support your journal entries with ideas from the text, news articles, and other academic sources of your choosing. Your entries should be in the range of 300-400 words (longer is fine if you want to elaborate on a point but short and concise can also be good).
Here is this week's Journal topic:
On pages 510-511, the authors discuss the question of whether economic sanctions should be imposed on governments that violate human rights. Do you believe they should be imposed and can they be effective?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Sanctions: Are They Effective Against Government That Violates Human Rights?
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Economic Sanctions: Are They Effective Against Government That Violates Human Rights?
Economic penalties are frequently used by intervening powers to deter targeted states from violating human rights. It is a foreign policy tool that applies economic pressure to a country accused of inadequate human rights standards in order to weaken the ruling government and put an end to human rights violations. However, these economic sanctions often result in disastrous social consequences, including higher infant mortality, poverty, and destitution. Fortunately, current economic penalties have been tweaked to target specific government leaders and their allies via travel bans and asset freezes in other countries. (Frieden et al., 2022). Still, these smart sanctions often end up imposing some costs on ...
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