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Earning Disparity

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Requirements

1. You are required to have 3 posts in each discussion and these three posts must be made on three separate days. The first post is the initial response to the question that appropriately and completely addresses the topic. It is best to post it at the beginning of the week. The remaining two posts are responses to two different classmates on two different days. Posts are not accepted after the week closes on Sunday night.

2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA PowerPoint in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of two paragraphs and each response must be a minimum of one paragraph. Please post in paragraph format.

The diversity discussions are one of the most important learning activities in our class. They are the classroom discussions of the online environment. Please put time, thought, and effort into your posts. Also, remember to respect the views of others even if you disagree. There is a professional way to express opposing views. Let's take the opportunity to make our discussions a meaningful learning experience!

Week 3 Diversity Discussion Forum

In chapter 9, the issues in focus are the feminization of poverty and women and negotiating for raises and pay at work. Many people are unaware of the wage gap.

1. What factors cause the earnings disparity in pay difference between male and female workers?

What can be done?

2. Discuss one of the issues and what should have been done that you found in the Featured Case 9.1: Ann Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse: ‘Wear Makeup and Jewelry, Style Your Hair, and Carry a Purse! (Not a Briefcase!) ?

Remember to write your own words, and cite any content you use from the text or online source with in-text citations and a matching reference.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: Earning Disparity
Institution Affiliation
Question one
The gender pay gap is an issue that has been affecting communities globally. According to the United Nations (2023)., for every dollar a man earns, a woman earns 77 cents for the same job. Further, the UN predicts that it will take approximately 257 years to close the gap. This disparity is caused by occupational isolation, where women concentrate on low-paying jobs and industries such as waitresses, receptionists, and nurses, while men focus on elite and high-paying jobs such as engineering, piloting, and layers. This segregation might be caused by unconscious biases and societal norms which puts less value on women and their careers. Also, women negotiate their wages less than men. According to Leibbrandt and List (2015), women are stereotyped while making negotiations for their salary in which if a woman is being assertive, they are often viewed negatively compared to their male counterparts. In addition, unequal representation in the legislature and leadership positions comes with higher pay. Finally, family responsibilities are shared unequally which gives women a challenging time to find a balance between working and family responsibilities. In as much as we are evolving and promoting earnings equality, society should focus on increasing the number of women's repres...
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