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Social Sciences Essay: Dynamics of Poverty Service Learning

Essay Instructions:

Option 2 If You Did Not Complete Service Hours:

You will write a 6 to 8-page research paper reporting on legitimate agency or non-profit service that helps the treatment or reduction of Poverty. You will need to describe exactly what this agency or non-profit does to reduce or treat poverty. Include research: facts, data, literature that highlight the issues that the agency deals with for instance if the agency helps the homeless research fact, data, current events etc. about homeless in the area of the agency. In addition connecting the efforts of the agency to a variety of areas your assigned text or readings in the module. Make direct connections to sociological concepts theories and ideas. You will have to make at least 10 connections from research and reference the assigned text. This paper will serve as your final so give it the attention and editing it deserves. Paper should be written in APA or ASA.

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Dynamics of Poverty Service Learning
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Dynamics of Poverty Service Learning
There are millions of organizations that work globally to reduce poverty. Reduction of poverty is a broad and far-reaching concept that is highly interconnected to political and socio-economic development. There is no precise definition of poverty. However, it is often based on the phenomenon of deprivation and limited resources. Poverty is a product of many factors, including culture, religious beliefs, economic and sociopolitical circumstances, and unpredictable shockwaves. This paper will focus on The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP,) which works in more than 160 countries worldwide in helping alleviate poverty, minimize inequalities, and nurture resiliency for progress. The UNDP is guided by a set of goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to eradicate poverty worldwide. The blueprints, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aims to reduce poverty.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is one component of the United Nations. However, UNDP is an obscure component and unfamiliar to most people, even to developmental specialists (Bellot, & Châtaigner, 2011). It is marked by low public profile compared to those of developmental partners like the World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), and other UN funding bodies and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite such obscurity, UNDP has made an immense contribution towards official development assistance (ODA) and how it is implemented (Bellot, & Châtaigner, 2011). It actively nurtured new concepts such as human development, poverty reduction, and human security. It is a critical partner in recipient countries where it enhances innovative measures that build national capacities
Poverty has taken deep roots, especially in developing countries. There are about 1.3 billion multi-dimensionally people, in which about two-thirds of them, i.e., about 886 million people, are from middle-income countries. The conventional concept of poverty is outdated and classifying households as either rich or poor a pure oversimplification of highly sophisticated themes. There are challenges when there is a need to measure poverty, especially when objective data is required. Most economists already dismiss the concept of being poor due to subjectivity on the theme of poverty (Ravallion, 2012). Poverty is a state of not lacking sufficient access to material resources or income. The social-economic understanding of poverty in the U.S is defined by income level. Poverty is not only a lack of resources but also opportunities to uplift a person's standards of living and the ability to acquire resources. Social mobility can define the dynamics of poverty. When there is a high level of social mobility, it is much easier for people to depart poverty. Easy access to higher education and the prevalence of well-paying jobs contribute to social mobility. Some factors that lead to poverty are due to individual choices, such as dropping out of school or committing a crime. Other factors affecting poverty are beyond individual’s span of control.
Economic parameters of poverty concentrate on material needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and safe and clean drinking water. Poverty is another perception that could denote a condition where an individual or society does not have access to basic needs for a minimum standard of well-being, primarily due to a consistent lack of income. Social poverty measures entail a lack of access to information, education, health care, or political power. Poverty can be perceived as an aspect of inequitable social relationships, experienced as social exclusion, dependency, and diminished capacity to participate in society. It is upon these social theoretical frameworks that guides UNDP to collaborate ad engage with others in developing sound policies that are geared towards poverty eradication.
There are two fundamental sociological approaches to understanding poverty. These theories include structural-functionalism and conflict theory, which make up social stratification. According to structural-functionalists, stratification and inequality are social constructs that benefit society by ensuring the best or effective people are at the top of the hierarchy. Those who are less worthy are at the bottom. The ones at the apex can access power and rewards due to their high abilities. The conflict-theory approach criticizes a structural-functionalism.
In contrast to structural-functionalists, conflict proponents argue that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society. Thus, this theory perceives stratification as only beneficial to the rich and powerful at the expense of poor people. Therefore, it is arguable that UNDP is being driven by the need to promote equity and equality by reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, which makes UNDP, be more of a conflict theory that perceived structural-functionalism as harmful due to its effect of partially contributing to poverty.
Despite the progress achieved since the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) endorsement by world leaders, poverty remains a primary threat to livelihoods worldwide. Globally, the number of extremely poor people has reduced by about 650 million in the last three decades. However, more than a billion people are living in extreme poverty. Amid gl...
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