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Domestic Intelligence Efforts in Supporting the Homeland Security Enterprise

Essay Instructions:


Drawing upon resource material provided and that discovered while conducting your own research, answer the following:

What are the current capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?

Regarding such capabilities, do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate, and actionable domestic intelligence to the degree needed to identify and address future challenges. Offer appropriate supporting information for your position.

This paper should provide an examination of the various elements that comprise U.S. domestic intelligence efforts (from local law enforcement and other community/regional assets to national intelligence agencies) and how those entities contribute to supporting the homeland security enterprise by protecting American citizens in a collaborative manner. In crafting your paper, it would be beneficial to recall the lessons learned from the 9/11 attacks and proposals put forth by the 9/11 Commission concerning the lack sharing needed information and intelligence.

Technical Requirements:

Your paper must be at a minimum of 5-7 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.

Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Domestic Intelligence Efforts in Supporting the Homeland Security Enterprise
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Domestic Intelligence Efforts in Supporting the Homeland Security Enterprise
After 9/11, the United States government and citizenry became more curious about researching their agencies' ability to gather intelligence. Before this incident, no one thought that the United States could be a possible target for terrorism and that it would find the country unprepared (Dahl, 2021). This paper will discuss some of the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence in the United States and whether the US is adequately prepared and structured to handle domestic intelligence.
Capabilities and Limitations of Domestic Intelligence
Homeland security contributions to gathering intelligence data are immense. Homeland security is mandated to collect information, share it, and manage its use to ensure it is used appropriately. To perfectly achieve these objectives, homeland security established fusion centers within the organization. Fusion Centers disseminate information on all criminal activities, risks to essential infrastructure, gang activity, and other dangers in the immediate vicinity of the American people. It has been demonstrated that fusion centers can set up an advanced framework for intelligence gathering to fight terrorism at home (Dahl, 2021). Ensuring that the fusion centers are integrated with the latest technologies is crucial t ensure they continue being helpful to the state in combating terrorist acts.
One key limitation being experienced in domestic intelligence efforts is the limiting legislation. The Posse Comitatus Act limits the domestic intelligence unit’s ability to use the military's ability to arrest, question and detain civilians suspected of terrorist acts without congressional authorization. Opposing the institutionalization of the National Applications Office is another limiting factor. This institution would be equipped to employ satellites for domestic reconnaissance. The Posse Comitatus Act imposes these limitations to guarantee that civil rights are not infringed when data or information is collected utilizing DoD and military capabilities. Procedures for gathering foreign intelligence data are stipulated by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This statute mandates that before spying on foreign targets in the United States, intelligence agencies must get a warrant from a secret court (Lambert, 2019). The US Constitution's Fourth Amendment safeguards people from arbitrary searches. This implies that domestic intelligence agencies cannot obtain data or conduct surveillance without a warrant, which needs legal justification and proof of the existence of a crime. Federal agencies' acquisition, preservation, use, and distribution of personal information is governed by the Privacy Act of 1974. This regulation limits information sharing with other agencies and mandates that agencies notify individuals and acquire consent before collecting information.
Equally, the close monitoring by congress limits domestic intelligence efforts. Congress is responsible for monitoring domestic intelligence agencies and has the authority to look into their operations and compel agency employees to testify. Notably, the possibility of domestic intelligence services overstepping their boundaries or violating civil rights still exists, despite the fact that these institutional and legal restrictions serve to avoid power abuses. Thus, the government and the general people must maintain vigilance and ensure that these agencies are held responsible for their deeds.
Whether US is Appropriately Structured and Resourced to Provide Domestic Intelligence
Current State of Domestic Intelligence In the US
In order to avoid another attack on the size of 9/11 on the US homeland, there has been an increase in the element of data or information sharing among all institutions. Fusion centers have played a crucial role in ensuring information flows smoothly between different agencies and they are all alert. Over the years, the United States Municipal and state police have played a significant part in counterterrorism. They are the best at knowing the local neighborhoods and dangers. They must be aware of the local terror dangers (Gardner, 2020). Fusion centers aided the municipal and state police know ...
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