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Domain of Determinants and the Best Interventions

Essay Instructions:

1. First, for your neighborhood health outcome identify a potential CAUSE or RISK that explains the health outcome for each domain of determinants: (a) psychological or cognitive; (b) social or community-level; and (c) organizational, institutional, or political domains. You may wish to reference the conceptual framework you introduced in your Neighborhood Justification for identification of causes or risks. (5 points)

2. Second, next to each of the 3 DOMAINS of the factors/explanations that you identified as the possible determinants of your health outcome, list in brief bullet form a few ideas about possible interventions. If possible, add intervention ideas in each of the 6 intervention cells in the matrix -- see the example attached. You don’t need to fill all 6 cells. (5 points)

3. Third, identify 2 of the main or best interventions that you want to expand upon. Be sure to select one at the individual level and one at the community or higher level. Below the matrix, in about 100 words very briefly describe each of the two MAIN interventions you chose and cite a reference or two for the strength of the evidence. Specifically, for each intervention you identify, cite an evidence-based practice guideline (such as from your readings or from the CDC Community Guide) or a research article – one that suggests that it is a robust and promising practice. (5 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
YOUR HEALTH OUTCOME:___________________________________          YOUR NAME:_____________________________________________
What is a cause of the health outcome (or a cause of the cause) at each domain level?INTERVENTIONS (IN BRIEF BULLET FORM IDENTIFY POTENTIAL INTERVENTIONS. THEN HIGHLIGHT 2 PRIMARY ONES TO CITE BELOW)Individual-level interventions
Community, social, or policy-level interventions
Cognitive / Psychological
      Unhealthy Lifestyle and/or Unhealthy Health Habits
●        Individual seminars on healthy and affordable cooking methods & nutritional-balancing
●        Seminars on self-care and assessment (i.e., blood sugar measurement)
●        Seminar on easy and convenient physical exercises
●        Free individual check-ups for mother and their immediate family (i.e., blood glucose checkup)
●        Nutrition stores and centers for access to affordable and quality food
●        Free yoga and cardio sessions for mothers
Low Socio-economic Status
●        Seminars on home entrepreneurship and alternative modes of income
●        Job fairs for mothers and their spouses
●        Nutrition stores and centers for access to affordable and quality food
Organizational /
Institutional / Political
Structural racism
●        Anti-racism and gender-focused seminars on treating the root cause of structural racism
●        Improving Access to Affordable and Quality Hospital Care for mothers
●        Improving current hospital and healthcare infrastructures with a citywide hospital quality improvement network
  1. Description of I...
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