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Diversity and Race Social Sciences Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Imagine this scenario: You are a city official for your local community, and you have been chosen to work with the summer criminal justice internship program. This program has different activities for the interns to engage in, and you have been asked to lead the diversity portion. For each week of the program, you will research and share information on race, ethnicity, and crime based on the local area. For the 1st week, you will discuss aspects of race, ethnicity, and criminal justice.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you:

Define the following terms: race, minority, and inclusion.

Differentiate between prejudice, discrimination, and implicit bias.

Provide 1 example of each of the following in a criminal justice setting: prejudice, discrimination, and implicit bias.

Summarize 1 current event or news story related to diversity in criminal justice. For example, the subject matter could be about someone being arrested, someone on trial, or a local agency doing something to strengthen diversity in the agency.

Explain the importance of diversity in criminal justice roles.

Cite at least 1 academic source to support your assignment.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Diversity and Race
Justice is for everyone in the community. In criminal justice, the goals are to protect the citizens by rehabilitating offenders, supporting the victims and their families, protecting those who are innocent, and preventing crimes. In this paper, the aspects of race, ethnicity, and its significance with regard to criminal justice will be discussed.
Race deals with the inherited physical qualities that categorize humans into certain groups. These racial groups can coexist in the community, resulting in the presence of a more dominant group and a subordinate. Minority is defined as a group that is distinguished as less dominant due to some defining characteristics dictated by society. The presence of this hierarchy or differences in social status or image leads to the need for a concept like inclusion. Inclusion refers to an act of providing just and equal opportunities and treatment to all groups of people, including those who might otherwise be marginalized.
Prejudice is the unjustified feelings that an individual has for another person or group of people. This prejudice may affect interaction and treatment, resulting in discrimination. An example of prejudice is the negative feelings of some people towards individuals with tattoos and multiple piercings, associating them with unprofessionalism or deviance. Another association or judgment is called implicit bias. Implicit bias is unconscious behavior and feelings that an individual has towards another person or group, affecting rationalization, actions, and decision-making. This is commonly seen in criminal justice and an example may be when black individuals are seen as dangerous or violent when seen walking towards an individual at night. Discrimination refers to the unfair behavior and trea...
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