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Distribution of Political Power

Essay Instructions:

Critical Thinking: Distribution of Political Power (90 points) Debates about abortion, same-sex marriage, and health care have had profound impact on our political system. How does the distribution of political power affect the life chances of people who are under-represented in terms of race/ethnicity, class and gender? Conduct research using academically approved sources (review the grading rubric for this Critical Thinking activity found under Course Information) and analyze how special interest groups such as lobbies and grass roots organizations may promote or prevent social change. The final product is to be a 3- to 4-page paper properly cited and formatted according to CSU-Global APA style requirements. Please include a formal Works Cited page. This is an individual paper, however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Distribution of Political Power
Distribution of political power is a theory that can only be accomplished in a democratic setting. However, in such a setting, equal distribution of power can be something that is quite difficult to find. In fact, in most democracies, a small group of wealthy elites hold majority of political power (Bai & Lagunoff, 2011). It is true that democracy gives individuals the right to voice their opinions but even in such cases, it can be very difficult to successfully bring about change without proper support. The objective of this essay is to discuss how the distribution of political power affects the life chances of people who are under-represented in terms of race/ethnicity, class and gender.
Minority groups face under-representation due to the fact that their position within a system always come second in respect to the majority groups. Consequently, their push for change is always met with tough resistance and their efforts bare little fruit. Consequently, the power of politics goes hand in hand with the ability to make resources available for any particular person (Mann, 2013). Resources play a vital role in enhancing life chances for many individuals primarily the young upcoming generations who have to build upon the works previous generations have already accomplished.
Underrepresentation takes place in the country’s legislature because that is where all decisions big or small are made and they affect everyone in the country. However, lobbyists and grass root organizations have their biggest fights here since they understand the power of politics. Big companies and wealthy people have always been able to pay lobbyists and politicians thousands and even millions of dollars to support their causes (Siegel, 2009). However, this leaves the average citizen simply complaining about the injustices which are taking place. While grass root organizations have proved effective in looking out for the rights of ordinary citizens, they often rely on citizen participation, an inherent and powerful right of a citizen which most individuals have given up in many democracies (Siegel, 2009).
Life Chances
The lack of equal distribution of power among minorities plays directly into the hands of the strong majority because change does not take place. The strong majority in any country or government represents the conservative individuals because they prefer the distribution of power to continue favoring their interests. Interests in this argument precisely represent life chances, opportunities, and ideology. In essence, minority groups have to work much harder and undergo so much strain to have things go right for them (Bai & Lagunoff, 2011). Furthermore, with the imbalance of political power minority groups have to endure the decisions of the powerful majority. For example, education has been the subject of huge imbalance in terms of government funding.
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