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Discussion paper: example of a fallacy

Essay Instructions:
Question 1 Using recent media from the past week (print, television, internet), provide an example of a fallacy. Which type of fallacy best describes your example? Question 2 How can fallacies be used to misrepresent research outcomes or health information? PLease provide an example.
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Example of fallacy
A fallacy be said to be a wrong representation of the facts. Recently, TV Commercials and the internet have been on the frontline in spreading rumors and propaganda on Obama’s campaigns. Last week for example, McCain was quoted in one of the commercials saying that the fundamental basics of the American economy have been stabilized and made stronger by Obama. President Obama was seen to agree with his sentiments. This was a total inductive fallacy in that the argument and the basis of McCain on the Obama’s progressive economy were positive to Obama but in reality he does not think that Obama has done enough to improve the economy. McCain is never on support of Obama’s strategies especially on the class differences on tax hence he wrongly presented hi statements (David, 2010).
How can fallacies be used to misrepresent research outcomes or health information?
Fallacies can be used in misrepresenting the outcomes of a research. This can be given as false representations and propagandas about the outcome and the recommendations on the research. For example, research had been conducted on the health status of many Americans in an effort to implement the health Bill. Most of the poor citizens of America are sad to benefit from the Bill (Socialist Health Association, 2012). This fallacy is ideally an appeal to emotion. However, political propaganda was used to misrepresent the Bill and the outcomes of the research. It was argued that by implementing the bill the economy of the US would be imbalanced and that the bill was to cater for the few minorities in different economies. The whole outcome was politicized by the politicians to misrepresent the recommendations and its implementation in the country.

David, N. (2012). Obama on Super Bowl Sunday: ‘I deserve a second term’. Retrieved from, http:...
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