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Differences & Similarities: Canada and the United States

Essay Instructions:

8-10 double-spaced pages (2000-2500 words).

Minimum of 5 scholarly sources beyond course materials.

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Lipset's Argument: The Differences and Similarities between Canada and the United State Student’s name Institution Course Lipset's Argument: The Differences and Similarities between Canada and the United State It is a natural tendency for people to compare and seek ways to differentiate themselves from others. The US and Canada comparisons have always been a subject of debate among scholars. An American political sociologist, Seymour Lipset analyzed the cultural and institutional differences between the US and Canada. In his book “Continent Divide” (Lipset, 2018); he analyzes the similarities and difference between these two nations. His thesis was that the basic organizational difference between the two nations, the cause of the variation in values, institutions which in turn reflect those organizing skills. According to him, the American and Canadian citizens were different, these differences, he argued were as a result of the history of the two nations. This paper, through analyzing his arguments, thus seeks to prove that Lipset's arguments cannot be applied to today's world as much as it was applied in the 1980's. Seymour Martin Lipset's works are highly acclaimed because he explored the basic distinct characters between Canadians and Americans. This paper seeks to highlight some of the similarities that exist between the two societies as argued by Seymour Martin Lipset focusing on three specific areas. The paper explores the similarities that exist culturally, socially and politically. Lipset’s arguments are supported by several examples from a wide range of sources ranging from historical accounts, law, religion, and survey data to interpretations of art. He argues that despite the fact that the society currently being characterized by free trade, modernization, and globalization, the difference between these two countries is evident. This factor provides the basis that Lipset drew his valuable comparison. In addition, he was able to draw the cultural difference between the countries. The cultural difference between the two geographical and historical partners can be highlighted with a focus on organizational principles. For example, for a long time, Canada has been known as a society full of elitist, statist, class-aware and law-abiding citizens in comparison to America. Lipset discusses the cultural difference between the two countries by using the political, social and cultural institutions. For Lipset to support his arguments that there is a wide difference in the culture of these two countries. He drew reference from secondary sources of information like public opinion polls, census data and literary criticisms. He also illuminates the difference in mass attitudes, patterns of intellectual thinking and arrangements in institutions. Lipset was systematic in his comparison of the two nations, avoiding the tension in the field of political science that has existed for a long time. He argues that to study a country where an individual belongs, the use of comparative perspective was essential. He argues that as much as there are outward similarities between the Canadian and American societies like the mode of living and urban structure the foundations of the two societies differ a great deal. Agreeably, the American Revolution was the reason why the two nations are in existence, but their cultures followed different routes to what they exist as of now. For example, The American culture preserved values advanced by the Revolution such as “Liberty, Life, and the pursuit of happiness”. The Canadian society, on the other hand, believed in the counter-revolutionary values which were based on “Peace, order and good governance” (Tomalty & Mallach, 2015). On the assessment of this, it is evident that the two societies took an opposite direction. The American Revolution marks a rebellious character of the American society. The Canadian society took a counter-revolutionary character. Looking at the two societies after many centuries, both of them have experienced major changes culturally and in terms of technological advancement, but it is evident that whatever the founding fathers fronted for still defines the cultural patterns of the two societies. Lipset in his book takes an alternative approach by “covering everything” when he talks about the changing cultural determinants which he considered as the cultural change trigger. Instead, he presents structural theories emphasizing on the cultural differences based on geographical, population, climate and the size of the market (Lipset, 2018). According to Lipset, the Canadian society embraced those who opposed the American Revolution in preference to monarchical rule. For the last two hundred years, these two societies have undergone massive changes in cultural development. Nevertheless, the cultures of these two societies are yet to converge despite the changes brought about by the different environment, the chances that the two societies will ever converge is very minimal. He further argues that cultural differences will eventually die with convergence in the economic development and structural levels. So unless Canada tries to catch up with the US economically, the cultural convergence will be unattainable. Social Values Literatures written about political culture argue that political attitude is influenced by basic social relations and core values. Social authority attitudes supposedly affect the political authority. The norms and patterns of social relation shape individuals. Policy preferences can be related to social values such as equality, security, and personal responsibility. There is a consistent claim that American and Canadians are different based on their basic social values. There are many alternatives to show the difference between these two societies. In terms of basic social values, the ‘Canadian Identity’ (Lipset, 2018) is an old age concept which is majorly based on the historical experiences that existed between Canada and the US. Canada was previously part of British North America and was against the Revolution fronted by America. The Revolution concept forms part of American political ideology terming it as “Americanism” that contrasts with “Canadianism” ideology. Therefore, America identity came from Lincoln’s “political religion”, Canada tried to adopt its own ideology that is similar to “The American Way” (Lipset, 2018). National Values By reviewing specific political orientation, it is apparent that America adopted distinctive political features, America has a sense of strong national identity compared to Canada and they strongly express it. Americans cherish their nationality, they stick flag stickers to their bumpers, in sporting events they sing their national anthem, they chant the nation's name to signify their support and pride in the nation during major competitions. Some of the patriotic traits can be traced to Americas 'first new nation’ (Dheer et al., 2014). On the other hand, Canadians are depicted as laid back when it comes to national pride. In a match, some would sit on the sideline with only a pin marked with a maple leaf. Since the 1980s, the Canadians sang "God save the Queen" (Dheer et al., 2014) more than their national anthem "O Canada" (Dheer et al., 2014). T...
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