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DHS Issues with the Projected Budget

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these four post as if you were me with a 100 words each, DO NOT COMPARE THE POSTS, and put 3 references for each post, and please seperate the references.

Kayla Strezsak

DHS issues with the projected budget

Overall, the budget, no matter the official analysis, will affect the entire country. The budget analysis states “less funding for military operations in Afghanistan and for similar activities- known as overseas contingency operations.” (PP. 2) This may be a problem because they become one of our first lines of defense overseas. Also, the president will reclassify and increase sending for transportation programs. I feel that this is a big one because transportation has become a huge and critical infrastructure. The increase in budget will have a great impact on anything involving emergency evacuations and getting supplies as well as getting to an area in which help is needed because roads and transportations are mandatory. In all honesty, while I had a hard time understanding everything in this document I see a budget as a guide. This guide will impact every aspect of the nation including homeland security, especially in different areas. An increase in one area will decree funding in another area, in an ideal world there needs to be balance.


Dustin Tucker

DHS issues with the projected budget Attachment

The budget analysis provided by the CBO sheds light on the foreshadowing and estimation issues concerned with proposing budgets. There are numerous points throughout the document where deficits or other resources are calculated differently, either by the CBO or the Administration. With regards to the potential affects of the budget to Homeland Security efforts, I see immigration reform being an issue that may affect the Customs and Border Patrol and other agencies directly involved. The resources that are allocated to the DHS come from discretionary spending, which for FY 2017, the DHS has requested $40.6 Billion to continue enhancing the core mission areas (DHS, 2017). With regards to the 2015 Federal Budget, the President requested $1.16 trillion in "discretionary authority" (CBO, 2014). Therefore, I do not see major concerns with the spending that may occur for the DHS. What I do see, though, is the President changing former discretionary spending into mandatory (CBO, 2014). Though not directly explained in the CBO analysis, it could be believed that some of the DHS could fall under new mandatory spending. Bringing the whole picture around, I see policy, such as immigration reform, affecting the DHS by changing that into mandatory spending, therefore affecting the budgeting process for the DHS and possible reorganization of agencies.

Congressional Budget Office (2014, April). An Analysis of the President's 2015 Budget. Retrieved from https://nuonline(dot)neu(dot)edu/bbcswebdav/courses/HLS6060.20456.201725/HLS6060.20456.201725_ImportedContent_20161221082440/HLS6060.20910.201625_ImportedContent_20151212080718/HLS6060.71687.201615_ImportedContent_20150810123729/2015%20Budget%20Analysis.pdf

Department of Homeland Security (2017) Budget in Brief: Fiscal Year 2017. Retrieved from https://www(dot)dhs(dot)gov/sites/default/files/publications/FY2017_BIB-MASTER.pdf

Brian Johnson

External and internal roles in the budget process

One of the most important internal actors in the Homeland Security budgeting process are the heads of departments. These are the people that battle to have funding increased. A reason to have to budget increased is to procure more supplies for the employees. This could be to replace old fleets of vehicles or to have the newest technology available. There is a constant battle with departments in order to have the finest product on the market. And with technology changing so rapidly nowadays, these products could be replaced several times over the span of a couple years.

These internal actors are present in all levels of the government- federal, state, local, tribal, ect. “Most of federal expenditures are for programs… many programs and policies operate based on purchasing things, with defense being the largest example” (Swain & Reed, 2010, Pg. 10). A sample could be seen with the United States Military’s Joint Strike Fighter program’s Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The government is in need of replacing the aging stealth fighter fleet. In 2015, the project was over $200 billion over the budget estimate and three years behind schedule (Cohen, 2015). At this point, the program has ballooned the point that the government cannot cancel the program, but instead has to keep heaving money at the situation until it repairs itself.


Cohen, Z. (2015, July 16). The F-35: Is the world's most expensive weapons program worth it? Retrieved January 18, 2017, from http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2015/07/16/politics/f-35-jsf-operational-costs/

Swain, J., & Reed, B. (2010). Budgeting for Public Managers. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Kayla Strezsak

External and internal roles in the budget process

Internal and external roles can be used in two different situations or in the same situation depending on the issue. Internally I feel as though the organization who have an audit team or a financial person who is hands on with the assigned programs or projects. For example, Raytheon has specific people designated for a certain number of projects who monitor the spending throughout the life of the program, this is to ensure that there is no overspending. As the book states, “Internal reviews involve people within an organization or organizational subunit conducting reviews of a budget year in an informal fashion to answer the general questions of what can be learned by looking at that budget year or specific questions...” (Swain & Reed, 2010 PP. 7) Externally I think of more of an audit, so things are done from a nonbiased and external entity that will look at the information and numbers to ensure everything adds up and makes sense. Like the book states, an example would be an accountant.

When it comes to the government, things may be slightly different but the same idea. Internal roles will be played by the head of the agencies. “Internal roles include those played by policy-makers, chief executive, chief administrator, central officials, managers, staff, union representatives, and employees.” (Swain & Reed, 2010 PP. 9) I think of this as the President along with his cabinet. External roles I equate to the customers have at Raytheon. It is stated in the book that “external roles include those played by interest groups, constituents, suppliers, and clientele.” (Swain & Reed, 2010 PP 9) Our customers will come in and do audits on their product or budget to ensure everything is on track. In all honesty, I feel that the external roles will have more of an impact because they may see things that the internal people may not see. However, both roles will impact the budget because analyzing the spending or the budget in general will give a better sense of what is happening and what needs to change.

Swain, J., & Reed, B. (2010). Budgeting for Public Managers. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
NameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Kayla Strezsak
Kayla Strezsak argues that the the President’s budget for the fiscal year 2015, will affect the country in a number of ways. The budget stated that there would be little funding for the military operations in countries like Afghanistan and the others CITATION Ann14 \l 1033 (Blyberg & Hofbauer, 2014). I think this would threaten the national security of the state to some extent given the roles that the military plays in protecting the country. An increase in the transportation programs by the president would be an added advantage given problems of infrastructure that are experienced in the country CITATION Coh15 \l 1033 (Cohen, 2015). The budget is a good guide towards understanding everything that has been written in the document.
The budget will have an impact on national security and the rate of national building of the country. The balance is well achieved since an increase in one of the factors can result to a decrease in the other factors CITATION Con17 \l 1033 (Congressional Budget Office, 2017).
References BIBLIOGRAPHY Blyberg, A., & Hofbauer, H. (2014). Government and Budgets. Article 2.Cohen, Z. (2015, July). The F-35: Is the world's most expensive weapons program worth it. Retrieved from /2015/07/16/politics/f-35-jsf-operational-costs/Congressional Budget Office. (2017). An Analysis of the President’s 2015 Budget.
Dustin Tucker 
The document shows that there are many issues that arise as a result of the estimates that are included in the proposal of a budget CITATION Mat16 \l 1033 (Levin, 2016). The document contains deficits in the budgetary allocations meaning that the resources were calculated differently. The effect of the budget on the homeland security lies on the Customs and Border Patrol agencies CITATION Llo16 \l 1033 (Lloyd, 2016). According to the budget the President may change the discretionary spending into mandatory. As a result some of the DHS would therefore fall under new mandatory spending CITATION Pha15 \l 1033 (Phattarasaya & Aussadavut, 2015). This will affect the budgeting process of the DHS and it would necessitate that they reorganize their agencies to fit the new budgetary allocations.
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