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Democrats, Republicans, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton's Stance on Abortion

Essay Instructions:

Directions: In your 7 page research/reaction paper you are to write about a controversial issue facing American Politics at the present. You are to pick the topic from the list below. If you like, you can come up with your own topic. But you must run it by me and get it approved at least a month before the assignment due date.Both, formal research as well as your own analysis and thoughts on the problem are required for this assignment.

In your paper make sure to include:

1. the major parties’ stance on the issue (democratic and republican),

2. presidential candidates’ opinion (last election),

3. popular opinion,

4. your opinion.

Formatting: Support your opinion with at least 3 well thought out arguments. You are to support your written work with proper citations. When formatting your paper, use a 12-point font and one-inch margins. I am looking for a title, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion – not just one long paragraph. Limit your paper to no more than 7 double spaced pages of content or 2500 words (not including title and reference pages). Proofread carefully, for good grammar, syntax and essay structure for they count as much as content on this assignment!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Abortion is a controversial issue whereby numerous people have various opinions. There are several points of view when discussing abortion for what has become highly sensitive and challenging to find a proper solution supported by everyone. The abortion procedure involves the termination of unwanted or spontaneous pregnancy before the fetus fully develops to survive outside the womb of the mother (Schwarz, 2011). Abortion induced by the individual is a critical challenge that has caused numerous sensitive debates worldwide since this aspect of abortion involves terminating the pregnancy deliberately before the development of the fetus.
In the United States, it is legal for a medical practitioner to perform an abortion. However, it prohibits that the act can be only be done when the health of the mother is at risk. In this case, the health includes psychological, physical, emotional and her family as they relate to the person’s welfare (Camosy, 2015). The paper will highlight the stance of the Democrats and the Republicans on this issue. It will also provide the perspectives of the presidential candidates in the last election on abortion while also highlighting the opinion of the general public. The paper will also discuss in detail personal views on the issue of concern.
The major parties’ stance on the issue
The Democratic Party firmly believes in the right of a woman to choose whether or not to abort a pregnancy. The Democratic views on abortion significantly support Roe vs. Wade and highlight that a woman has complete control over the right to terminate her pregnancy regardless of whether or not she can afford the procedure (Day, 2006). The Democrats significantly oppose any legislation or efforts that might undermine this right. They have stated that abortion is a highly personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor and her priest and therefore, the government and politicians have no authority in interfering in this critical decision.
The Democrats firmly assert that all female individuals must have the ability and access to abortion and the associated initiatives that will reduce the instances of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. Due to their efforts, they have supported sex education initiatives in educational facilities that early define contraception options and how couples can acquire them (Camosy, 2015). Additionally, they have promoted efforts such as Planned Parenthood that help people in need of birth control alternatives that decreases the expenses involved and feel comfortable asking associated pregnancy queries.
The Democrats also emphasize that health care should ensure that birth control and abortion procedures are affordable to all women. They have also launched campaigns that support providing women with financial aid that are financially unable to carry the baby to term. The Democratic Party also emphasizes greatly that all pregnant women must be encouraged through providing them with affordable health care and ensuring that these women can access programs that help them during and after the birth of their child (Day, 2006). Such initiatives include adoption and foster care initiatives.
The Democrats firmly assert that part of health care reforms must consist of accessible and affordable health care to all individuals. They have also established programs such as the appropriate education and solving the prescription drug program and investment in stem cell and other critical clinical studies (Camosy, 2015). Democrats emphasize that investments made in life-saving stem cell assessments and other healthcare research will provide a solution for cures and preventive treatments of U.S citizens.
As for the Republicans, an unborn child has an individual right to life which cannot be underestimated in any manner. Republicans have asserted that the human life amendment within the Constitution is essential to especially in the legislation that enhances unplanned or unwanted (McBride & Keys, 2018). Within the Fourteenth Amendment, measures must be implemented and enforced for the unborn children. The Republican Party has highlighted that its purpose is to have judicial and legislative protections of this right against all individuals that perform abortions.
They have opposed the use of public revenues for terminating pregnancies and will not endorse enterprises that advocate abortion. This party also promote the practice of appointing judges with a high moral compass and support the enhancement of traditional family values and the fundamental right of all human life regardless of whether they are innocent or not.
Additionally, Republicans have emphasized that their objective is to ensure that women with problematic pregnancies have sufficient support necessary for themselves and their babies. Their goal is to be empathetic to the plight of women in such a situation and not be punitive against them. McBride & Keys, (2018) stated that the Republican Party opposes termination of pregnancies however their pro-life agenda does not include legal action against female individuals that have an abortion. The party supports all those that provide effective alternatives to abortion and offer adoption programs. In Congress, the Republicans are at the frontlines in expanding aid both for the expenses of adoption and for the continuous care of adoptive children with special needs (McBride & Keys, 2018).
The Republican Party also supports all the strong efforts involved in the promotion of adoption through the increase of tax incentives and bonuses to states that place older children in permanent family homes. Additionally, the Republicans have advocated for the promotion of foster care by increasing the allocation of funds involved in family and preventive services.
The Republicans support sex education to teenagers and caregiver regarding the several risks associated with early sexual activities. They have provided institutions with the necessary tools in assisting teenagers to make healthy choices (McBride & Keys, 2018). They have also promoted programs that concentrate on abstinence education funding, and have opposed clinics based in schools that provide referral and counseling services for birth controls and abortion.
Presidential candidates’ opinion on abortion
Donald Trump
As a Republican ...
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