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Deforestation: Impact on Carbon Cycle, Hydrological Cycle, and Biodiversity

Essay Instructions:

write a short descriptive essay that defines and explains selected environmental impacts of deforestation. As you write, imagine you are talking to a friend who has no knowledge of this topic. In short, write the way you speak, using a conversational tone. Also, try to alternate short sentences and longer sentences to make your writing more readable.

The entire document should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11")

Times New Roman, 12 point

Margins 1” all sides

Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows:

Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say about these three topics: disruption of the carbon cycle, disruption of the hydrologic (water) cycle, and the reduction of species diversity.

Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs.

Paragraph 2 should describe how deforestation disrupts the carbon cycle.

In paragraph 3, you’ll write about how deforestation disrupts the hydrologic (water) cycle.

In paragraph 4, you’ll explain how deforestation is related to declining species diversity.

Paragraph 5 is your conclusion paragraph. Here, you can describe how you feel about the three effects of deforestation discussed, and what we might do about it.

It’s permissible to use direct quotes from your reading, but don’t use too many. One to three such quotes should be your limit. Be sure to put a direct quote in quotation marks. For example: According to Smith, “Carbon dioxide is both our friend and our enemy.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deforestation: Impact on Carbon Cycle, Hydrological Cycle, and Biodiversity
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Deforestation: Impact on Carbon Cycle, Hydrological Cycle, and Biodiversity
Deforestation is defined as a deliberate act of removing natural tree cover to clear the land for housing, agricultural, or industrial activities, out of several negative impacts of deforestation on natural environment disruption in the carbon cycle triggered by the unwanted increase in carbon dioxide concentration; the unnatural pattern of the hydrological cycle due to lack of rainfall; and reduction in biodiversity top the list. These factors significantly disturb human life and activities by creating serious health problems, abnormal weather patterns, food scarcity, and water shortage. Besides, reduction in biodiversity is negatively altering the natural food chains and creating an imbalance between living and non-living environments. The following paragraphs reveal, using scientific data and facts, the extent of the negative impact of deforestation with an aim to suggest ways to minimize deforestation and its negative impacts.
According to one estimate, global deforestation destroyed approximately 13-million-hectare forest cover annually in ten years from 2000 to 2010. Accordingly, the forest destruction rate is about 0.37% per annum (Chakravarty et al., 2012). Since huge tree cover provides a perfect medium to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide that they use to produce their food, the destruction of forests increases carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere because of the lack of trees that can absorb it. The carbon cycle is a natural process that maintains the quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to a bearable. In this process, the tree cover absorbs the carbon dioxide released from living things, including plants and human activities, so its concentration may not increase in the atmosphere. Consequently, carbon dioxide emissions increase dangerously in the absence or reduction of the tree cover or forests. According to one estimate, the removal of tree cover of tropical forests is responsible for releasing about 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on an annual basis (Chakravarty et al., 2012). This additional amount of carbon dioxide that the trees should have absorbed remains in the air. Since carbon dioxide gas can absorb and trap sunlight, its increase leads to an increase in global temperature, especially in tropical regions. Moreover, tree cover loss also reduces carbon storage in trees to be used in the future (Dixon et al., 2018). Consequently, the natural process of absorbing and using carbon dioxide by plants experiences a significant disruption. As a result of the malfunctioning of the carbon cycle, the earth’s overall temperature is increasing at an unprecedented speed. This unwanted increase in temperature or global warming is causing dangerous climate changes, melting glaciers, and spreading diseases.
Another crucial impact of deforestation is the disruption of the natural water cycle. The water cycle is a process that maintains the quantity of water in all-natural resources through evaporation and rainfall. When trees are cut down on a large scale, the evaporation rate of water in the air significantly decreases as trees and plants evaporate most of the water they absorb from the soil. This evaporation greatly contributes to the formation of clouds and rainfall that eventually refills all the water resources to be reused by living things. However, the rainfall decreases due to lack of evaporation, and the unavailability of water, especially in areas depe...
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