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Cultures of the world,Family and kinship

Essay Instructions:
(1)Make a list of folkways,mores and laws in western society.(2)What is the relationship between laws and mores?
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Different cultures have got distinct way of living. Across the globe, some cultures display some similarity as well as some differences. Folkways comprises of traditional way of living or following some of the laid down traditions, although they are not strictly enforced. Some of folkways in the western world include; table manners, wearing appropriate clothing based on gender and other cultural beliefs, respecting the elderly, wearing appropriate clothing for various occasions, opening door for someone to enter, obeying the day of Sabbath, being respectful when requesting for something and respecting other peoples area of residence and occupation (Mark,1985). Folkways can be made flexible and broken without much fuss, unlike mores which are enforced strictly by the community.
On the other hand, mores are traditions of a given community whereby they are enforced throughout such community and anyone who goes against them faces dire consequences including excommunicated. Mores forms essential characteristics that must be conventionally adhered to by the community. Mores in the western world include not stealing, killing, illegal possession of another person`s property. In most western societies, mores are used to enhance peaceful coexistence among them. Mores can`t be compromised to anyone going against them and that is why tough penalties are imposed to anyone who goes against them. Law encompasses guidelines that dictate the behavior and rules that must be followed, failure to which, the rule takes its course. Under the western laws, crimes, unacceptable behavior and any other conduct that is prohibited by the law is punishable. Law is written and consequences of breaking it are well stipulated. Some examples of western law include: freedom of expression, right to life, right of education, right to own property, right of movement, right to be informed among many others.
The relationship between law and mores is the fact that in both, there is punishment to anyone who goes against them as well as there being a strict way of enforcing them. On the other hand, it is important to note that mores looks mores on morality whereas no...
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