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Crime Hot Spot and the Routine Activities and Offender Search Theories

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Describe a particular place in your town or city that might be considered a “hot spot” for crime. Use routine activities theory and offender search theory to make sense of this hot spot. In other words, drawing upon these theories, why does this place experience more crime than other places in town?

The place in my hometown that is considered a hot spot is the Hollywood 20 Cinema because it is known for gang and juvenile activity. These cinemas are located way back out of the normal traffic, sight of police, the parking lot is not well lighted, and the neighboring town is close by. Easy access to and from this location. It's a place where parents drop their kids off to see a movie and then come back later to pick them up, hence no adult supervision. This hot spot creates opportunity for crime against those innocent victims who actually go to see the movies. There have been many arrests at this hot spot. Please use this hot spot that I have described for this assignment.

Book/Readings: Schneider, Stephen. (2010). Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice. New York: CRC Press.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Crime Prevention
Crime hot spots are areas that have a large concentration of crimes within a given space. As they describe the special concentration of crimes that can be identified virtually, by an observer looking at the crimes and the map of the area in question. Such locations whether derived through observation or mathematical calculations represent data that is not random (Felson, Clarke, & Great Britain, 1998).
Hollywood 20 Cinema Hot Spot
The pointed reference in this paper is an area called Hollywood 20 Cinema. As the name suggests, the area is known for movies facilities and thus it is common to find that it is strewn with juvenile and gang activities. One of the key and most notable aspects of the area is the fact that the premises is located away from the normal traffic, which means that the area has very minimal police presence at anytime. The premise also has a parking lot that is not well lit and the neighboring residential areas are quite close to the area, as they are right next to the premise. It is also an area that has great access from the main roads, and that's why most of the people who come here love it for the convenience it offers compared to the other places. It is common to find parents dropping off their children and picking them up later after the movies. This means that the juveniles are most of the time left unattended to by the adults. For this reason, criminals that scour this area take advantage of the many juveniles that are an easy target. In the past, there have been quite a number of arrests but this has not deterred the criminal from hitting their victims from time to time.
Routine Activity Theory
The routine activity theory was developed by Lawrence Cohen and his colleague Marcus Felson. One of the criminal theories that try to explain the criminals' behavior at any given time is referred to as the crime opportunity theory. This theory infers that criminals do not just commit acts of crime in a random manner, rather all their activities are guided by rational choices that they make prior to the act. As such, criminal will always make rational choices to commit crime that is going to give the highest returns with the least risk involved. As such, there is always going to be an opportunity before the crime takes place and the reward must be fitting according to the criminal (Winfree & Abadinsky, 2010). This indicates that there is not always going to be crime, wherever there is an opportunity in reference to the reward and the risk involved.
One of the subsections of the crime opportunity theory is the routine activity theory (North Miami Beach Florida, 2014). This theory hinges on to the aspect of there being an opportunity rather than there being social factors that are forcing the criminal to engage. As such, criminal that is referred to in this theory are less likely to strike due to the fact that they are poor or have not had any job to satisfy their financial needs. With reference to the theory, the area in question is a movie theatre where juveniles and other parties come to enjoy themselves every so often. This therefore satisfies the fact that the area has a routine activity which is watching the movies. There is always a convergence of vulnerable people at the event so often and within the given space. The other aspect that is very obvious is the fact that most of the juveniles are left by their parents and later on picked after the movies. This means that the children are an easy target as they are not with a guardian who in this case would raise the risk of being caught (Schneider, 2010). The children without their guardians present an easy score for the criminals as the reward is good and the effort is very minimal. According to the theory, the choices that the victims make may render them more vulnerable to crime than majority of the other people. Most of the people that attend the movies have a certain lifestyle that makes them more attractive to the criminals....
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