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Developing a Crime and Disorder Reduction Plan for a Particular Public Location

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, we would like you to identify a problematic public location (e.g. shopping street, market square, leisure area, or public transport interchange). Through the acquisition of primary data (interviews with traders, service providers and users) and secondary data (recorded crime figures, media reports, empty shop units and turnover etc), we would like you to propose a comprehensive set of actions which will make the location a safer place to use and enjoy.


You will need to explain which actions will address which problems and you should consider both the cumulative benefits and also any potential “cross-contamination” when various separate actions are combined in a comprehensive strategy (for example a heavy policing and surveillance intervention may put off some law-abiding users). As part of your research you will have to figure out how to gauge the level of avoidance (people who don‟t use the problematic area because of fear) and you may also need to bear in mind that increased use of a public area (when it feels safer and more attractive) may also increase the opportunities for crimes such as pickpocketting and bag snatchers (so the actual number of crime incidents may increase, even if the proportion, per number of users, goes down).

Please also attach photo for ref and use Hong kong as the problematic location .

Dear if you find it difficult to use Hong Kong as a example see if you can use the U.K e.g Bristol or other u.k city as an example for Developing the Crime and Disorder Reduction Plan for a particular public location. (e.g. shopping street, market square, leisure area, or public transport interchange).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing a Crime and Disorder Reduction Plan for a Particular Public Location
Date of Submission
Developing a Crime and Disorder Reduction Plan for a Particular Public Location
Crime could have devastating effects to the society because it affects both businesses and the wellbeing of the society. Consequently, every society should implement measures and strategies that curb or prevent crime. What is crime? The term crime could be elucidated as an action that is forbidden or an omission of duty that would otherwise cause harm to the society (Wilson and Petersilia, 2011). From the definition of crime, it could be deduced that different types of crimes exist (some crimes are omission of duty while others result from committing forbidden acts). However, this paper will focus on the latter types of crimes because it aims to focus on a location affected by the mentioned types of crimes. Specifically, the upcoming discussion examines the causes, and strategies that could reduce rates of crime in Stapleton Easton Road, Bristol. It therefore advises that relevant agencies use community policing, environmental design and solve the main causes of crime in the area to reduce the rate of crime in Stapleton Easton Road.
The Location
Bristol is one of the major cities in England owing to the fact that it is the second largest city in southern England. The city also has an estimated population of half a million people, which makes it the England’s sixth most populated city (Bristol City Council, 2015a). It is also crucial to note that Bristol lies between Gloucetershire and Somerset, cities that are not as big as Bristol. Imperative to the discussion is the fact that the city has thirty-five wards that are represented by seventy councilors (Bristol City Council, 2015a). Further, the city has two major earning institutions that contribute to the city’s large population. Bristol was one of the major cities in England during the Iron Age, but cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool overtook Bristol during the industrial age (Bristol City Council, 2015a). Evidently, the City of Bristol has a lot of details and history, but little is known about the rates of crime: at least, not as much as the history of the city.
Evidence of Crime in the Region
It is notable that both secondary and primary sources indicate that the Stapleton Easton Road, which is in Bristol, has the highest crime rate in England. In fact, evidence from residents in Stapleton Easton Road reveals that they are accustomed to cases of violence. Therefore, it could be deduced that the high rates of crime in Stapleton Easton Road contribute Bristol’s ranking as the second highest city (after Southampton) in terms of rates of crimes (Police.uk, 2015). Critical to the discussion is the fact that additional evidence reveals that rates of crime in Bristol have escalated recently. For instance, the Police.uk (20150 reveals that the average of crime rates in Bristol in March 2015 was 23.35, while the average crime rate for the same city was 21.28 in March 2013. As a result, few people from the neighborhood prefer to avoid the area because of the danger associated with using the road. Clearly, evidence suggests that the rate of crime in Bristol is alarming majorly because the Stapleton Easton Road has the highest rates of crime in the country.
Major Causes for Crime in the Location
Most criminals result to their actions after being pushed by certain factors. It follows that understanding factors promoting crime in Stapleton Easton Road will help in developing strategies for limiting criminal activities in the area. To begin with, unemployment promotes crime in the area because a businessperson in the area cites that he is worried about idling youths on the road. According to the businessperson, idling is a major cause for crime in the area (The Mirror, 2015). This owes to the reality that the business executive was mugged and robbed by idle youths. It is also crucial to highlight that substance abuse also promotes crime in the region. According to The Mirror (2015), Stapleton Road is full of youths who use drugs and related substances. Critical to the discussion is the fact that such people rely on crime to earn money for sustaining their addictions. It follows that substance abuse and high rates of unemployment in the area contribute to the rates of crime in Stapleton Easton Road.
Even though drug use and high rates of unemployment contribute to the rates of crime in Stapleton Easton Road, additional factors such as prostitution and police response also contribute to the rates of crime in the area. For instance, the Mirror (2011) cites a resident of the area, who mentions his experiences with violent prostitutes. Specifically, the resident says that prostitutes turn violent against him if he fails to give them a cigarette. Additionally, another resident highlights that the police have tried to reduce levels of crime in the area, but the number of prostitutes in the area is still disgusting. It is also vital to highlight that the Mirror (2011) cites a resident who believes police are always slow to respond to calls of ongoing criminal activities. As a result, criminals have a chance to rob and mug innocent civilians knowing the police will visit the area when they are finished. Therefore, prostitution and police response also contribute to the rates of crime in the area.
Apparently, prostitution, high unemployment rates, drug use, and slow police response contribute to the rates of crime in the area. However, the main cause for crime in whatever location is morality. This owes to the reality that morality dictates how members of the society make right and wrong decisions. As evidence, Raney and Bryant (2002) reveal that criminal activities are more than mere acts of hostility and aggression. The same authors further reveal that every criminal act can be subjected to the moral reasoning of the perpetrator. It follows that ethical and moral reasoning of Bristolians could explain the high rates of crime in the area. It is notable that statistics from the 201l census report indicates that thirty-seven percent of Bristol’s population is not religious (Key Statistics about Bristol from the 2011 Census, 2011). This could also explain the high rates of crime in the city because religion instills morals in the society.
Strategies for Reducing Crime in the Area
It is not only clear that crime is a problem in Stapleton Easton Road, but also that prostitution, drug use, unemployment, and sow police response contribute to the high rates of crime in the region. Therefore, it is advisable that relevant agencies and residents of the area implement policies that would curb the high rates of crime in the region. Imperative to the debate is the fact scholars and professionals from different industries have developed strategies that reduce levels of crime. For instance, Weisburd, Telep, and Hinkle (2010) reveal that strategies such as community policing, and environmental design have been proven to reduce crime. However, De, Ponsaers, Vijver, Bruggeman, and Deelman (2011) also reveal that crime prevention and control could be achieved aft...
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