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Conflict studies (Conflict and conflict resolution)

Essay Instructions:
This is an Introduction to conflict studies class. We are working from book.Jean-Francois Rioux and Vern Neufeld Redekop. 2013. Introduction to Conflict Studies: Empirical, Theoretical, and Ethical Dimensions. (Don Mills: Oxford University Press). I need 3 more sources. The short essay should be 5 pages plus bibliography. In the text, students will develop a topic based on an insight that comes out of the readings. They will follow these steps: - Identify their insight; - Expand on the insight using additional sources to argue, question, or critique; - Explain why it is important for understanding conflict or conflict transformation; - Indicate what aspects of this insight they have personally appropriated and why. Clearly define question, satement.So I'm flexibel about the topic but the writer have to have a book or read the first three chAPTER OR LOOK AT IT TO HAVE SOME IDEA. I GOING TO SCAN THE CHAPTERS TITLE BUT THE BOOK IS NECESARY! IONLY HAVE HARD COPY+3 OTHER SOURCES TOO. pLEASE IF THE WRITER HAS ANY CONCERN CONTACT ME. There will be more orders fro this class based on the above-mentioned book. It is a must to have access tot hat book.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict and conflict resolution
Conflict and conflict resolution
The word conflict has been derived from the Latin word ‘Confligere`; which means to Strike or attack altogether. The free online dictionary defines conflict as a state of open, often prolonged fighting, a state of disharmony between incompatible persons. The Oxford Dictionary defines conflict as a serious disagreement or argument, prolonged armed struggle, Regional conflicts on the other hand is defined as a state of mind in which a person experiences a clash of opposing feelings or needs (Freancois & Vern, 2013). The principles remain the same. This paper seeks to discuss the concept of conflict and conflict resolution.
A common element found in all definitions is the divergent goals and interest of two actors or parties who resort to various means in pursuit of achieving their objectives. In conflict there is no a balance or equilibrium, of powers. It is not a stable resultant because there is the pushing and pulling, the giving and taking, the process of trying to find balance between the powers. In every society there are bound to be differences of opinion on all important matters. The differences can be due to person and collective reason. When competitive individuals or groups consciously try to defeat or subordinate each other in an effort to achieve certain objectives, conflict comes into existence. There are various objects of conflict, these are: power, status, property , and other desired values in a particular culture (Dana, 2001).
Through different means people learn and understand situations more, the knowledge and consciousness of one`s surrounding is referred to as awareness. Such Awareness creates a tension between persons who have different views with regards to the knowledge they have and what their opinion is. This then creates the structure of conflict. Awareness is the first theoretical element in this structure. The structure of conflict is the disposition or probability of conflict occurring. Along with awareness, it includes opposing ideas between persons (Ramsbotham, Woodhouse & Miall, 2011).
Persons have differing attitudes which express their wants/goals and the means to achieve them. Within the structure of conflict these attitudes are inactive; they are independent ideas waiting for stimulation. Moreover, attitudes are clustered into particular patterns which lie along the components of sociocultural space. These attitudes are involved with wealth, politics, power, and so on. Therefore, the differences and similarities between persons and their attitudes are along these components. And it follows, then, that the distances between persons, their attitudes and these components contain these differences in attitudes (Freancois & Vern, 2013).
In addition to awareness and opposing attitudes/ideas, a third element in the structure of conflict is capabilities, Differences in power, wealth, size, and so on, not only describe different attitudes but also capabilities. Conflict can be take two forms, this can either be:
* Constructive Conflictrefers to conflict which has more benefits than losses; the individuals come together to change or strengthen their relationship for the better.
* Destructive conflict is usually narrow and has defined or rigid goals which in most cases produce negative results. Individuals are usually not very flexible and assume that the opposing party should suffer defeat (Dana, 2001).
Conflicts tend to escalate when a lot of aggression is involved and this in most cases causes violence. The individuals are usually involved in destructive conflict because they use unethical methods to try advance their attitudes and ideas on each other. In most case conflicts that involve aggression and violence do not have positive outcomes, as the defeated person has to given to the attitudes/ideas of the other party so that the conflict ends (Ramsbotham, Woodhouse & Miall, 2011).
Categorizing conflicts is seen as a way to standardize different conflicts. The best way of categorizing a conflict depends on the objectives of conflict management and the persons involved in the conflict. It has been said that conflict categorization assists in clarifying various dimensions involved and the levels of complexity. These categorie...
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