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Essay Instructions:
This is an Introduction to conflict studies class. We are working from book.Jean-Francois Rioux and Vern Neufeld Redekop. 2013. Introduction to Conflict Studies: Empirical, Theoretical, and Ethical Dimensions. (Don Mills: Oxford University Press). I need 3 more sources. The short essay should be 5 pages plus bibliography. In the text, students will develop a topic based on an insight that comes out of the readings. They will follow these steps: - Identify their insight; - Expand on the insight using additional sources to argue, question, or critique; - Explain why it is important for understanding conflict or conflict transformation; - Indicate what aspects of this insight they have personally appropriated and why. Clearly define question, satement.So I'm flexibel about the topic but the writer have to have a book or read the first three chAPTER OR LOOK AT IT TO HAVE SOME IDEA. I GOING TO SCAN THE CHAPTERS TITLE BUT THE BOOK IS NECESARY! IONLY HAVE HARD COPY+3 OTHER SOURCES TOO. pLEASE IF THE WRITER HAS ANY CONCERN CONTACT ME. There will be more orders fro this class based on the above-mentioned book. It is a must to have access tot hat book.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict can be termed as an articulated struggle between two or more inter-reliant parties that perceive incompatible scare resources, goals, as well as interference caused by others from attaining their goals (Rioux & Redekop, 2013). When the word conflict is mentioned, different things and scenarios run through the minds of different people. Various theorists have defined conflicts in varying ways according to their logical reasoning. In a better understanding of conflict, the book called “Introduction to Conflict Studies” by Jean-Francois Rioux in conjunction with Vern Neufeld Redekop brings a great insight through all the lessons involved regarding conflict and all its aspects.
Conflict is seemingly one of the main defects of societies’ development and well-being. This is because through the increased rates of conflicts at all levels, the society’s strength and moral standards deteriorates daily. There is comprehensive elaboration of the different structures of conflicts and the levels of disputes likely to erupt as a result. In addition, conflicts can progress from one level to the other depending on the way it is dealt with and the willingness of the parties involved solving it. The book brings an understanding that various features are likely to form a conflict that includes parties involved. Disparities may arise in an occasion of conflict where people try to perceive the involved parties in the conflict. At times, some people may be surprised to find out that they are involved as a party in the conflict. On the other hand, some people may be shocked to realize that they are not included in a certain disagreement. In addition, some people seen or thought to be part of a social system such as family, work team, and company among others, are influenced in participating in the dispute. People are likely to take sides whether an individual is participating directly or not involved at all, depending on the existing perceptions of the past issues, relationships, the duties within the area of conflict as well as other factors.
Understanding conflicts is very important since they are destructive if not resolved on time, regardless of their stages or levels. More so, it has proved to be dangerous in other occasions where there is aggression and violence that has resulted to war and deaths as well as numerous injuries. For instance, conflicts between or among the nations have emerged very hazardous as it has claimed numerous lives of innocent people. In the contemporary world conflicts among nations has increased due to varied reasons like selfish gains of other country’s resources, quest for political power, among others that have left numerous countries at the mercy of reinforcements during wars. In other occasions, the conflict may be magnified by the fact of intervention or reinforcement, since such countries that have intervened may be involved and become an enemy of the adversaries. There have been records of mass killings during wars caused by conflicts among the nations like the regions of the Middle East versus Israel and some other countries, where many people died during that period. Many statistics have shown evidently that deaths resulting from conflicts are among the leading causes of death and destruction of properties. The conflicts may arise because of a certain level of difference of opinions, positions, among others, in the two or more parties that are involved in the conflict. However, the perceived disagreement versus the true disagreement is likely to be quite distinct from one another. Conflicts seem to be escorted by significant stages of misunderstanding, which may exaggerate the distinguished disagreement considerably. In conflict resolutions, one of the key things that need to be done is identifying and understanding the true spots of disagreement and this helps in solving the right problems as well as managing the true needs of parties involved. Resolving conflicts becomes intense as the levels increases, and would be easy and manageable to deal with any sorts of conflict when it is identified.
The easiness to resolve conflicts may also depend on the parties and their willingness to settle things peacefully. This is because even though one party may be willing, the other may insist on using aggression or violenc...
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