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Concepts of Learning

Essay Instructions:

Address the following:

Provide a definition of learning.

What is the role of behavior in relation to learning?

Describe two different types of learning and provide examples of each.

What is the relationship between learning and cognition? Provide an example.

Please use the text as a source; Olson, M. H. & Hergenhahn, B. R. (2013). An introduction to theories of learning (9th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

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Concepts of Learning
Concepts of Learning
Learning is an important concept in the modern psychology. In order for one to understand learning, it is necessary to understand the role of behaviour in relation to learning. Behavior depends so much on learning to elucidate some sort of changes, which provide the hallmark under which to ascertain the level of learning in an individual (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2013). Psychology presents two types of learning that include instrumental conditioning and classical conditioning, which are some of the learning processes that explain changes in the individual’s behavior. In further understanding of learning, it is important to understand the relationship between learning and cognition. A conscious understanding of learning can be enhanced through the understanding of the definition of learning, the role of behaviour in relation to learning, the types of learning processes and the cognition concept.
Definition of Learning
Different authors have defined learning in different ways. For many, defining learning reveals different challenges in terms of what to include in the definition, in that various theorists fail to agree on the phenomena they would refer to as learning. According to Olson and Hergenhahn (2013), learning is the process of individual behavioral change resulting from an exposure to a reinforced practice. Such changes in the behavior potentiality are permanent. Further examination of the definition reveals that when learning occurs the occurrence of the process remains permanent. However, what is learnt be used immediately or remain unused for some times. In some occasions, what is learnt may be forgotten, but it is possible to recall it into memory when needed for use. For instance, when one learns different things in class, whatever learnt can be forgotten until when one is taking a test on the same issues. The questions posed in the test would trigger the memory to remember what was learnt, because this would be time when such information is needed. The ability to answer a question, in an examination testing what was previously learnt, is the measurable behaviour impact during the learning process. In this regard, learning is permanent and is reinforceable by experience.
The Role of Behavior In Relation To Learning
Learning is a psychological process that can be measured scientifically. Olson and Hergenhahn (2013) assert, “A subject matter in science should be observable and measurable” (p.2). The authors further explain that an individual’s behaviour presents the subject matter in the science of psychology. Whatever is studied in psychology is expressed through concealed or manifested behaviour. However, not all behavior of study can be said to be learning. In order to make inferences regarding the process believed to be the observable behavioral changes, studying an individual’s behavior would be mandatory, and the studying process would represent learning. Learning plays the role of mediating behavior, and therefore, its occurrence is trig...
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