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Concepts of Biracial and Multiracial Relate to WEB Du Bois

Essay Instructions:

Page 1-2: Read the excerpt entitled “Problem of the Color Line” by W.E.B. Du Bois (in attachments) and answer both of the following two questions:
Discussion Questions:
1. How do the concepts of “biracial” and “multiracial” relate to W.E.B. Du Bois’ notion of a “color line”? Explain.
2. Do the thoughts expressed by W.E.B. Du Bois have any relevance for society today? Why or why not?
Provide very specific reasons and examples to support your position. MUST BE at least 400 words.

What is your present day definition of family?
Why did you make this choice?
Provide very specific reasons and examples to support your definition. MUST BE AT LEAST 400 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Line of Color
1. How do the concepts of “biracial” and “multiracial” relate to W.E.B. Du Bois’ notion of a “color line”? Explain.
The late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century mark some of the darkest moments in the history of mankind. These are times when discrimination and oppression were wide spread with some of the races taking on the mantle for the being the most sort after and on higher pedestal than the rest of them. For the African Americans, this was a time when slavery was at its highest point in reference. This is with reference to the level of human trafficking in this case of the African Americans, as they were subjected utter inhumane treatment. This is an aspect that speaks to the level of humanity degradation that was experienced at the time.
The African Americans were treated with disdain as they were considered to be second class citizens. For them the elemental efforts of staying ahead of the rest of the races were curtailed with institutionalized injustices, such they had little to room to fight for the place in a society that considered them inferior. They were worthless and this meant they were better placed in rather suppressed state. Whether they were inferior is a whole different perspective all together. It could be argued the supremacists were threatened by the very nature of acute resilience and potential of the African Americans. To better understand the concept of oppression that existed at the time, it is crucial to look at the term biracial. As Du Bois, outs it in the article titled Problem of the Color Line, there were two main races; the oppressors and the oppressed. The white supremacists stood above the rest of the races and oppressed those that were considered the second-class citizens. Among the second-class citizens are the African Americans who were relegated to slavery.
For most of the African Americans getting the chance to exploit their abilities and opportunities in the society was a challenge. This is relative to the line that was drawn between the whites and the African Americans. An imaginary line the defined the whites as supreme to the African Americans. This was a line of color and one that determined the opportunities that the African Americans would be ex...
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