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The Concept of Culture

Essay Instructions:

Please Answer the Discussion question 1 in Chapter 5 and answer so that it tells the story. The answers should sound like you are explaining it to someone. It needs to be weaved all together. you can only cite the book that is attached. question 1 has multiple questions (3) so each answer should have its own sub heading. It needs to be in apa and have a running head.

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Discussion Question Chapter 5
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Discussion Question Chapter 5
How would you define or describe the concept of culture?
Culture refers to the way of life characterized by shared beliefs, values, and behaviors in a group. It offers the group a sense of belongingness and identity and defines the boundaries of their behaviors. Because the culture establishes appropriate behavior in that situation, it allows people to adapt to their surroundings and pass this information on to future generations, be it countries or within organizations. Every step of the management process is impacted by culture, including how employees think, approach challenges, and reach conclusions. Due to the fact that culture involves so many components that could be overlooked during definition, there does not appear to be a comprehensive definition of the concept. However, a critical reflection on the textbook definition reveals that culture is a learned phenomenon. Therefore, dynamic and varied groups of people can be said to share certain learned patterns of perception, values, and behavior. This means that while not every person you encounter will share your culture, a diverse group can (Tarique et al., 2022). It thus alludes to the cumulative deposit of values, beliefs, experience, attitudes, religion, hierarchies, spatial connections, knowledge, and universe concepts that a group of people has accumulated through centuries via individual and group work.
The concept of culture can be understood via a series of multiple layers or concentric circles, which includes outer, middle, and core layers. The first things that people typically associate with culture are found on the outer layer, including food, language, shelter, behaviors, and viewpoints on the visual world. The second, or the middle layer, pertains to the standards and ideals that people and groups uphold. This is what the communities or organizations regard as right or wrong, as well as good and bad values. Norms are typically developed externally and supported by social control forces. On the other hand, values are internalized, and there aren’t many ways to enforce or manage them. These two cultu...
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