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Comparison Political Programs

Essay Instructions:
Review the coverage of political issues from three of the major news programs (Fox news, CNN, ABC, C-Span, NBC, CBS, etc.). What types of events does each program cover? Did one network favor domestic verses foreign, economic, or social matters? Did you see any bias from any of these sources, and in what direction (conservative/liberal, racial, economic status, etc.)?How accurate was the reporting? What impact do you think this reporting has had – or might have – on policy makers? Use at least 3 sources at least 4 pages not including bibliography page
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparison of Political Programs (Author`s Name) (Name of Institution) In the era of timeliness, technology and demand for information, the media plays a vital role in informing the public on events occurring both locally and internationally. The news media take the form of electronics, for example, television and radio, as well as print, for example, books and newspapers. According to Burns, Peltason, Cronin & Magleby (2010), the advent of new technologies within the world has significantly impacted on the society. In the United States (US), the media significantly influences the American political, economical and social issues. According to Burns, Peltason, Cronin & Magleby (2010), the American news media is a crucial persuasive tool that impacts on the cultural issues within the society. Today, the autonomy within the media programs from the political parties determines the objectivity of the news reported. In the USA, the media has received criticism from both the liberal and conservative parties. In addition, the public does not necessarily believe on the reports made by the news media (Burns, Peltason, Cronin & Magleby, 2010). However, the American media have advanced from the political mouthpieces of olden days to corporate holding due to the reduced regulation of broadcast media by the US government. This paper will critically analyze the news reporting from three American media stations: CNN News, Fox News and NBC News. The paper will focus on the relevance of the news, biasness and impact of the reporting on policy makers. On September 10, 2013 CNN news focused on several political news within the United States (USA) and internationally. On local news, the program focuses on Obama`s proposed attack against Syria and the public`s reaction to the same. In addition, the program reports on several economic and social issues. However, on local news more emphasized in placed on the political issues within the USA. The program also reports on international news focusing on both political and economic issues occurring around the world. On international news, the program reports on the verdict in India gang rape case, Pakistani`s and Taliban talks, Political conflicts in Moscow, China`s economy, Africa`s leaders taken to Hague and other new. The news program mainly focuses on foreign news as compared to local news. There was no biasness in reporting on news from the CNN new program. This is because the program reports on the opinion of the public, Republicans and Democrats on the issues occurring locally. In addition, the program reports on the World`s reaction concerning the local political events. Further, the international news is reporting on events occurring all over the world. Internationally, CNN reports on events occurring in Africa, Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. The foreign news is focusing on political, social and economic issues occurring within the world. The reporting from CNN news seems accurate on the events occurring both internationally and locally. Locally, the reporting form this program will significantly influence on policy makers. This is because the program reports focus on different angles on issues affecting the country. In addition, the station seeks to elaborate on international events and how they influence the US on political, economic and social issues. Internationa...
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