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5-2 Comments Assignment Paper: Parenting Adolescents

Essay Instructions:

there are five questions on 5-2 who are Jenny, Stephanie, Christina, Carrie, Loretta. all these are 5-2 the question which is provided. 5-1 is professor question she asked the class especially me on my post 5-1 which is how do the many socioemotional changes of adolescence impact family systems and so on the question is there. Please make sure you do not have this file on my order number 00045053 which is 5-1
I forget to say for 5-2 and the one question for 5-1 questions are added but they should be in text citation with a reference page and the comments should be substantially comments

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Parenting Adolescents
Parenting Adolescents
Jenny rightly indicates that, the authors do not support the myth that adolescent’s sexuality is a product of rebellion. In fact the authors, as Jenny points out, indicate that the adolescents and their families tend to enjoy quite some positive attitudes towards sexuality (Casey et al., 2010). It is the other aspects such time to take their studies among others that have some element of conflict.
Adolescents are at an age where they would want to explore the various aspects of their body and their emotions (Beeck, n.d.). As such, one of the basic experiments that they will try is associated with sex. As Stephanie indicates in her post, the element of adolescents trying out sex is not associated with rebellion but rather experiments (Pickhardt, 2012).
As Christina puts it, it is not true that adolescents have an unhappy life. Rather most of the adolescents have a happy life. At the same time, the post rightly points to the fact that, not all of the adolescents live up to the Hollywood depictions, where they try to copy what they seen on the television (Pickhardt, 2012). However it is important to note that most of the adolescents are highly influenced by what they see on the television along with other media platforms and therefore the need to limit their access.
It is at the age of adolescence that most people try out sexual encounters for the first time in their lives. This is a further imploded by the fact that, most of the adolescents are battling with emotions that they do not understand (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). As Carrie points out, it is common for adolescents to learn much of their sexual behaviors from the media. It is also common that most of the adolescents that do not have proper guidance will engage in unprotected sex and drugs (Beeck, n.d.).
As Loretta points out, most of the adolescents have a happy life at their age. As such, much of the sexual escapades are not a rebellious way to get back at their parents (Vitelli, 2013). Most of them are simply experimenting ("What is Storm and Stress?", 2011).
Adolescents tend to respond to their changes in emotions and this in turn affects their families. It is common for example for adolescents to want to were trendy clothes and avoid what their parents are suggesting. It is also common for adolescents to want to belong to a group, as it is seen to be fashionable (Casey et al., 2010). For parents that want to bond with their adolescents, it is important to show them trust, without putting too much pressure on them on how to act. As young adults they are also supposed to find their own way.
Beeck, H. Adolescent times of storm and stress revised (1st ed.). Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC). Retrieved from https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/367895/1/Paper_Adolescent_times_of_storm_and_stress...
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