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Comments on three students post and one post on 2-2

Essay Instructions:
I need a comment on Panela, Gwendolyn and Carra 1-2 post and they must be substantly I also need 2-2 question answered which is What are some specific goals and methods that you may incorporate into group counseling that might be shaped by your culture? Describe how you could accommodate group members' diverse cultural backgrounds, values, and styles as they relate to these goals and methods. The resource must be scholary and the comments must be substanly ann must in test citations. I am afrian american woman I need in four days
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comments on Three Students Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Comments on Three Students Gwendolyn: Gwendolyn I will be honest with you, I will agree with you on courage and commitment but I will disagree with you on inventiveness not as one of the traits of group leaders but how you perceive it. Group leaders should be creative or possess the ability to initiate new ideas or activities that will benefit all members (Posthuma, 2001). In your example, you only allowed the members to find an alternative for the member which is also another trait of encouraging the members to find alternatives for themselves. Carra: Carra, I agree with you on all the traits that you have listed. A group leader should be present during group sessions since it also shows that he/she is committed to ensure that the group achieves its objectives. Openness and being able to identify the emotions of the clients are also vital as they allow the client to feel understood and that somebody cares about them (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2013). Pamela: Pamela, you have identified a trait that some of us have not been able to identify. Our traits such as personal dedication and courageousness have been overlapping but cultural competency is a trait that we have left out. Thank you Pamela for bringing this out. Group leaders should be aware of cultural values and beliefs of the group members to avoid any biasness (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). 2-2 Some of the goals that I may incorporate into group counseling include identification of psychosocial environment and the various levels of functioning such as social stressors and the available social support by incorporating my culture in group counseling (Ibrahim & Heuer, 2015). This will allow the group to respond to different issues that its members face in the society. One of the cultural competency skills that counselors should have is the ability to accommodate the diverse cultural issues of the clients. In accommodating the diverse cultural issues, I will ...
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