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Climate Change and Hurricanes

Essay Instructions:

Use the following resources to help you:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Impacts of climate change. https://www(dot)epa(dot)gov/climatechange-science/impacts-climate-change
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). Global climate change facts. https://climate(dot)nasa(dot)gov/effects
Our Changing Climate. (2018, October 26). Why climate change makes extreme weather worse [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=1jzQF_IElGk

After you finish the visualization exercise, answer the following questions in your Discussion Board main post.

What natural disasters have you experienced recently? Where did this happen? When was the last time this natural disaster happened here? I live in south Florida
(e.g., I experienced Hurricane Ike when I lived at my house in Houston. The previous time a hurricane made landfall here was in 2001, when Hurricane Allison made landfall.)

Describe what happened and how this directly or indirectly impacted you.
How often has this natural disaster impacted your community? Is it happening more often?
What problems does it create? What is the human health risk of this problem?
Do you think that this natural disaster will occur more often where you live? Why or why not?
Prescribe a potential remedy to the environmental issue at hand. What can people do to reduce the risk of this happening?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Natural Disasters
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Natural Disasters
Climate change is a common problem that heavily impacts many lives. Climate change is the long-term shift in the global climate (Environmental Protection Agency., n.d.). Climate change is commonly adverse. Besides, it may be experienced in terms of a shift in temperature or rainfall (NASA, 2021). Climate change leads to disasters. The common natural disaster I have experienced as an individual living in South Florida is Hurricane Michael. It occurred when I was living in my house in South Florida. The hurricane was extremely detrimental. The last time such a hurricane made landfall in South Florida was in 2018. It directly impacted me.
The hurricane was detrimental and directly impacted me by altering the structure I lived. Therefore, I had to vacate my house and look for a better structure. The hurricane also im...
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